Category: Immune System

  • How Namaz Improve Immunity

    How Namaz Improve Immunity Through prayers of Namaz, Muslims surrender to Allah five times in a day. Ask forgiveness for their own sinful deeds, seek forgiveness for all the sins committed in the creation of the world. Seek the help of Allah in every rakhat in every prostration, to be guided to the easy and…

  • Justice Sandel And On Immunity Vaccination

    Justice Sandel And On Immunity Vaccination In relation to Michael Sandels Justice, Jeremy Benthams theory draws a fine line between the decision on whether to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. According to Bentham, utilitarianism is defined as maximizing the happiness of the community as a whole (Sandel 34). In relation to Biss argument, although being…

  • Why is Sleep Important? Essay

    Why is Sleep Important? Essay Introduction People nowadays seem to neglect their sleeping habits. There are various reasons for this, all different for everyone. Whatever the case is for you, the day to finally improve your sleeping habits has come. In this article you are going to find out why sleep is so important and…

  • Nutrition For Immune System Support

    Nutrition For Immune System Support The present situation in the world where the human immune system became fragile and microbes became invincible. The main reason for this is the lack of immunity due to lifestyle and eating habits. Due to which body is not getting the required nutrients to fight against the virus and bacteria.…

  • Healthy Immune System And Consequences Of Its Imbalances

    Healthy Immune System And Consequences Of Its Imbalances Immunity is vital in defending the body against infections. This role is taken by the immune system comprising of a complex cell, tissues, organs, and protein networks. According to Stephenson, (2017), the immune system keeps a record of each and every microbe it has ever encountered and…

  • Immune Evasion Of Cancer Cells Review And Cancer Therapy Targets

    Immune Evasion Of Cancer Cells Review And Cancer Therapy Targets In recent decades, the amount of scientific knowledge available related to cancer has grown exponentially. The publication of the Hallmarks of Cancer deserves a special highlight in this history and its revision provided further insight into the main features of cancer cells and reflected the…

  • Vaccinations: Major Breakthrough In Medical History

    Vaccinations: Major Breakthrough In Medical History Vaccination is a form of artificially acquired active immunity, meaning it is acquired through medical intervention and is a response produced by the immune system. Vaccines are a preparation containing antigenic material used to protect people against serious and potentially deadly diseases (Class Notes, 2019); unlike most other forms…

  • The Immune System Within A Pregnancy

    The Immune System Within A Pregnancy The immune system within a pregnancy is very complex. Being susceptible to certain infectious diseases puts a pregnant woman within a special population group with an immunological condition that is caused by pregnancy. Although, it may bring up some challenges in making decisions in regard to treating and preventing…

  • How Immune System And Antibodies Work

    How Immune System And Antibodies Work Covid 19 is still raging more than ever with 700,000 cases worldwide as at time of writing. The single most important way to fight this scourge is to build up your immune system. We will explore how the virus attacks cells immune system that produce antibodies. We will discover…

  • The Importance Of Immune System For People

    The Importance Of Immune System For People The system is very important to people. It is the main method in the human body for fighting and avoiding infections. Additionally, it prevents the development of certain kinds of cancer. We shall help You Realize the importance of this system Consider two examples of circumstances Not work.…