Category: Iago

  • How Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Identity is Represented in Othello



    How Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Identity is Represented in Othello Introduction: The Intersection of Race, Ethnicity, and Identity in Othello Othello (1603) is a domestic tragedy written by the famous Tudor playwright William Shakespeare. The tale discusses themes of love, jealously, revenge and most importantly race. Othello is an African man living as an army…

  • Othello Act 1: Themes of Racism, Jealousy, Deception and Love Related to Iago and Rodrigo



    Othello Act 1: Themes of Racism, Jealousy, Deception and Love Related to Iago and Rodrigo Shakespeare begins his play in an open street in Venice in which a quarrel occurs between Iago, the mischievous and manipulative man and Roderigo, a rich nobleman capable of believing anything told by Iago, immediately it introduces the idea of…

  • The Features of Human Relationships in Othello



    The Features of Human Relationships in Othello Jealousy and pride tend to take root within an individual and unravel relationships between people. The play, Othello, tells a tale of Othello, who begins to lose trust in his beloved wife Desdemona, due to his uncertainty of deserving her love and lies that his trusted friend, Iago,…

  • Othello: The Consequences of Knowing and Not Knowing



    Othello: The Consequences of Knowing and Not Knowing Shakespeare has used deception throughout the vast majority of his work. In the well-known comedy Twelfth Night, Viola deceives everyone including her own family into thinking that she is a man named Cesario by changing how she dresses, acts and talks, all to benefit herself. In the…

  • Othello: The Role of Iago in the Preventable and Tragic Murder



    Othello: The Role of Iago in the Preventable and Tragic Murder In Shakespeares Othello, it follows a Moorish generals internal struggle with deciphering between right and wrong. Hes in love with a beautiful Venitain woman, Desdemona, daughter of the Senator. But all odds are stacked against him as his followers try to drive them apart.…

  • The Portrayal of Iago Character in the Play Othello



    The Portrayal of Iago Character in the Play Othello In spite of all that modern critics have said on Tragedy, the definition of tragedy in the Poetics still remains the best. Aristotle said that Tragedy is a form of drama exciting the emotions of pity and fear. Although Othello covers the definition of tragedy, given…

  • Othello: The Impact of Iago as the Disruptive Moral Other



    Othello: The Impact of Iago as the Disruptive Moral Other Othello by William Shakespeare is set during the Elizabethan Period when women and people from other races were segregated and Othered due to their sex, race or skin colour. This was a time period when it was extremely rare to see a black man with…

  • Omkara VS Othello



    Omkara VS Othello I will be discussing William Shakespeares play Othello alongside the adaptation Omkara. William Shakespeares play surrounds the downfall of the character Othello as a result of his personal flaws. Othellos jealous nature and weak personality made him an easy target for the antagonist Iago to manipulate him which ultimately led to his…

  • Shakespeares Othello VS Nelsons O: Mixing Alienation with Tyranny



    Shakespeares Othello VS Nelsons O: Mixing Alienation with Tyranny Tim Blake Nelsons modern film, O, and William Shakespeares classic play, Othello, both involve Othello (Odin) handing the lieutenant position to Michael Cassio instead of Iago (Hugo). The main difference comes between the two settings, Othello representing an army and O representing a basketball team. Iago…

  • Othello and Iagos Views and Values of Love, Appearance verses Reality and Racial Classes Conflict throughout the Play Othello



    Othello and Iagos Views and Values of Love, Appearance verses Reality and Racial Classes Conflict throughout the Play Othello Firstly, love. To Othello, love needs passion and trust to maintain. As a black man, even if he was the general, falling in love with Desdemona goes against the traditional 16th century Venice notions. They fell…