Category: Human Sexuality

  • Issues Of Sexuality, Disguise, Marriage And Romantic Love In Twelfth Night, Or What You Will

    Issues Of Sexuality, Disguise, Marriage And Romantic Love In Twelfth Night, Or What You Will Twelfth Night, or What You Will is one of the most challenging Shakespeares plays, as it explores issues of gender identity and sexual orientation, interrogates traditional representation of gender roles and suggests same-sex love and attraction between most of the…

  • Theology Of Sexuality And Sex

    Theology Of Sexuality And Sex Abstract In the Bible, God made sexuality the core of human experience. He created Adam and Eve to not only be a help mate to one another, but to also fill the earth and subdue it. The two main purposes of sex were for procreation and marriage. There are various…

  • The Effects Of Rousseau’s Childhood On His Views On Sexuality

    The Effects Of Rousseau’s Childhood On His Views On Sexuality I want to show my fellow-men a man in all the truth of nature; and this man is to be myself (Rousseau, p.5). In an attempt to reach his audience, Rousseau in Confessions did what most would not dare in an autobiography: reveal everything. Confessions…

  • Discussion on the History of Sexuality by Foucault

    Discussion on the History of Sexuality by Foucault Foucault begins a discussion on the history of sexuality by accusing our societies of hypocrisy and silence about sexuality and says that we are still under the Victorian rule in this Aspect. Then, he makes a simple comparison to sexual discourse in the early seventeenth century and…

  • Theology Of Sexuality And Sex

    Theology Of Sexuality And Sex Abstract In the Bible, God made sexuality the core of human experience. He created Adam and Eve to not only be a help mate to one another, but to also fill the earth and subdue it. The two main purposes of sex were for procreation and marriage. There are various…

  • Issues Of Sexuality, Disguise, Marriage And Romantic Love In Twelfth Night, Or What You Will

    Issues Of Sexuality, Disguise, Marriage And Romantic Love In Twelfth Night, Or What You Will Twelfth Night, or What You Will is one of the most challenging Shakespeares plays, as it explores issues of gender identity and sexual orientation, interrogates traditional representation of gender roles and suggests same-sex love and attraction between most of the…

  • Female Sexuality and Surrogacy

    Female Sexuality and Surrogacy In this essay, I will be exploring Satzs egalitarian argument for why we should limit markets in female reproductive labour. I will argue that Satzs thesis is compelling, with regards to the assertion that contract pregnancy promotes the control of womens bodies and behaviour. I will also argue that contract pregnancy…