Category: Human Development

  • Global Social Progress and Human Development

    Global Social Progress and Human Development Defined as the attempt at improving the rates of social investment from all denizens of the world population (Guiding social investment, 2015), global social progress is an essential concept that helps locate the mistakes that have been made in the past I terms of economic and political solutions, assess…

  • Technologies Growth: Significance for Human Development

    Technologies Growth: Significance for Human Development Introduction At present, people are surrounded by diverse technologies. Besides, these technologies tend to develop fast. What is more, it has been claimed that the unhindered growth of technology is essential to the continued advancement of the human race, which is likely to be only partially true, as the…

  • Human Development in Zimbabwe

    Human Development in Zimbabwe Table of Contents Introduction Definition of Development Measure of Human Development Zimbabwe HDI could be too narrow for the mess at Zimbabwe Conclusion References Introduction The report covers human development, its meaning and measures within the context of Zimbabwe. The primary aim of the report is to promote thought and analysis…

  • Global Poverty and Human Development

    Global Poverty and Human Development Poverty rates across the globe continue to be a major issue that could impair the progress of humanity as a whole. Absolute poverty means that people in this situation do not have even the basic necessities to survive, and most of these people are concentrated in low-income countries. Some progress…

  • Analysis of Human Development Theories

    Analysis of Human Development Theories Table of Contents Introduction Classical Conditioning by Ivan Pavlov Hierarchy of Needs Theory by Abraham Maslow Social Learning Theory by Albert Bandura Conclusion Reference Introduction Developmental psychology focuses on how our thoughts and behaviors change from birth to old age. The biological, environmental, cultural factors of human growth, among others,…

  • Theories of Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead about Human Development

    Theories of Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead about Human Development Table of Contents Introduction Key Agents of Socialization Feral Children Difference Between Theories Conclusion References Cooley and Mead Theories: Introduction Socialization is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for an individual to become a member of a community. When children are…

  • Sustainable Human Development

    Sustainable Human Development According World on Environment and Development (1987), sustainable development is development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Beckerman (1994) asserted that sustainability is interdisciplinary in nature and can be explored from three broad aspects namely: economic, social and environment…

  • Pregnancy, Human Development and Heredity

    Pregnancy, Human Development and Heredity Table of Contents Ovarian Cycle Uterine Cycle Implantation Dilation Stage Expulsion stage Reflection References Pregnancy can be defined with respect to time and as a condition. With respect to time, it is the period from conception to childbirth (Hale, Saunders & Margham, 2005). It is vital to understand the physiological…

  • Art Education and Human Development

    Art Education and Human Development The general response to Art Education and Human Development by Howard Gardner This book looks into the value given to arts education by the governments and other stakeholders considering the strides arts education has made in recent years. Before appreciation of democratic processes, many totalitarian regimes considered artists as people…

  • Art Education and Human Development

    Art Education and Human Development The general response to Art Education and Human Development by Howard Gardner This book looks into the value given to arts education by the governments and other stakeholders considering the strides arts education has made in recent years. Before appreciation of democratic processes, many totalitarian regimes considered artists as people…