Category: Hobby

  • Essay on My Hobby Painting

    Essay on My Hobby Painting Every child enjoys painting or drawing. It doesn’t really matter if the outcome is an exact replica of reality because at that precise instant reality is in the artist’s thoughts. They are both artists while they draw, and they will each pause to take in their own creations. They are…

  • Essay on My Favourite Hobby Photography

    Essay on My Favourite Hobby Photography In today’s society, it is very hard to find a job after graduating from college. Currently, todays job market requires a very high degree of expertise and knowledge to be able to obtain a good, well-paying job. In fact, with this mindset, freshmen would usually pick a major with…

  • Essay on Importance of Music

    Essay on Importance of Music When listening to a music concert for children, people see all of the children in the band and choir with their faces glowing like stars and their ears perked to the director. Music enhances the quality of life; consequently, many people don’t understand how important music is in a young…

  • What Does Music Mean to You: Opinion Essay

    What Does Music Mean to You: Opinion Essay Music is my life. That is a fact simply stated. Looking back on my life so far that is the only one that is consistent and significant to me. Everything I did incorporate and revolves around the art of music. Raised in a household where music was…

  • How I Became Literate in Playing the Piano

    How I Became Literate in Playing the Piano As a young child I remember being passionate about playing the piano and music. But of course like every other person one must learn how to play and understand music itself. I have not learned how to read sheet music quite well, and is something that I…

  • Essay on My Fascination with the Piano

    Essay on My Fascination with the Piano The captivating sounds that can be made by eighty-eight black and white keys were what started my love for playing the piano. Whether it be Chopins rubato or Schuberts modulations, my fascination with the instrument has never gone away. It all started with my mother and my first-grade…

  • The Best Gift I Have Ever Received

    The Best Gift I Have Ever Received The last note resonated across the hall as I closed my eyes and lifted my hands in the air. The concert hall erupted with cheers and applause, and waves of emotions came rushing to me: excitement, joy, pride. The entire audience had their attention on me, and I…

  • Essay on the Magic of the Piano

    Essay on the Magic of the Piano My fingers were flowing freely over the smooth keys – 52 white, 36 black – as if they were masterminds and my fingers were puppets floating freely above each key. My eyes were fixated on the black and white pages before me. I was tired but unable to…

  • Essay on Music

    Essay on Music Music has existed since the primitive years. It has various rhythms and tones that can be found across the world. Music is a universal language that every person from different cultures and races can relate to. It has served many purposes, ranging from entertainment, religion, and self-meditation. Recently, research has been conducted…

  • Hobby Essay

    Hobby Essay Hobby Essay 1 (100 words) Hobbies can be the simplest yet most fulfilling activities in our lives. They allow us to break free from the monotony of daily routines, offering an escape into a world where our passion lies. Whether painting, gardening, cooking, or collecting stamps, every hobby has a unique essence and…