Category: Hobby

  • The Difference Of Hobby And Interest

    The Difference Of Hobby And Interest We all know what the hobbies and interests are, for the most part, the fun activities or vices we love to do or share just to ease ourselves from the stresses we experience in life. Both are almost same but there still difference. We are doing hobby for our…

  • Reading Books Vs. Listening To Music As Hobbies

    Reading Books Vs. Listening To Music As Hobbies All people love to do things that can help them to forget their frustations or stress. Hobby will always be part of our everday life, because it gives us pleasure and fun when we get bored or when we are in time of waiting. As we always…

  • The Up And Coming Hobby

    The Up And Coming Hobby Partaking in a hobby that we love to do, regardless of the quality we may produce, can bring us happiness. A hobby, as defined by Oxford English Dictionary is an activity done regularly in one’s leisure time for pleasure. This means that a person will partake in an activity for…

  • Swimming As A Hobby

    Swimming As A Hobby Hobbies are activities that people participate in on a regular basis for enjoyment. There are various hobbies that people can participate in from playing football to chess to reading. Hobbies are enjoyed by all people, but very few know how to begin others. You may want to try or experience somehting…

  • Compare And Contrast Of Two Different Hobbies

    Compare And Contrast Of Two Different Hobbies A hobby is an activity that we are interested to do during our free time. This is also part of the everyday life of any person. A hobby is not a kind of occupation, but it is an activity that all of us are doing also for our…

  • Painting Vs Gardening As My Favorite Hobbies

    Painting Vs Gardening As My Favorite Hobbies In this world, all people have their hobbies or doing something during their past time. We all have the time of frustrations, stress, or pressure that we tend to eliminate by doing our hobbies. A hobby will always be part of our everyday life because it gives us…

  • Controversies Over Video Game Violence

    Controversies Over Video Game Violence There was yet another tribune dedicated to incitement to violence through the content of works of fiction and in particular war video games. Just one more example of the causal discourses that try to circumscribe the horror of a drama whose magnitude challenges it to incomprehension by accusing media hobbies.…

  • Essay about Hobbies

    Essay about Hobbies A hobby is one of the reason’s to ease boredom other than personal stuff to do. Everyone has their own hobby so do I, some of us has the same hobbies while some aren’t because we are different in our own taste. My first hobby is dancing. I don’t know why I’m…

  • Essay about My Favorite Things

    Essay about My Favorite Things Dont talk, Just Act. Dont Say, Just Show. Dont Promise, Just Prove. People go through life talking about their dreams and their aspirations when in reality the only thing that truly matters is ones accomplishments. There are many attributes that contribute to ones success. These include family, hobbies, and inspirations.…

  • My Favourite Game Essay

    My Favourite Game Essay Today was my first class of Drama for Early Childhood Education with Helen, as I entered the room, I felt very nervous and overwhelmed as I didnt know everyone and there were so many new faces. We gathered around in a circle and said our names and where we were from,…