Category: HIPAA

  • HIPAA: Safe Harbor Method In De-Identification Of Protected Health Information

    HIPAA: Safe Harbor Method In De-Identification Of Protected Health Information According to the Health insurance Probability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rule, there are two methods for De-identification of Protected Health Information (PHI). Safe Harbor method is one of the De-identification methods. The HIPAA privacy rule set the limits to which extent we can use…

  • HIPAA Research via The Department of Health and Human Services Website

    HIPAA Research via The Department of Health and Human Services Website I had no idea that there were so many levels of HIPAA and patient rights. All the different rules and regulations for the special topics, the depth of the Patient Safety Rule, the involvement of the OCR. Even though there was an overwhelming amount…

  • Impact Of Wearable Technology On HIPAA

    Impact Of Wearable Technology On HIPAA Executive Summary A recent study estimates that 19% percent of US citizens claim they currently use a wearable fitness tracker, with the same percentage saying they currently use a mobile health app. Combining present use with the percentages of Americans saying they have used each of these devices in…

  • HIPAA To Meet Federal Prerequisites For Electronic PHI Upkeep, Transmission, And Capacity

    HIPAA To Meet Federal Prerequisites For Electronic PHI Upkeep, Transmission, And Capacity The healthcare business is continually developing to meet federal prerequisites for electronic PHI upkeep, transmission, and capacity. The present healthcare organizations are picking HIPAA-compliant partners that diminish the risk of PHI breaches, decrease network unpredictability, counterbalance capital expenses, and upgrade network nimbleness to…

  • HIPAA: Safe Harbor Method In De-Identification Of Protected Health Information

    HIPAA: Safe Harbor Method In De-Identification Of Protected Health Information According to the Health insurance Probability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rule, there are two methods for De-identification of Protected Health Information (PHI). Safe Harbor method is one of the De-identification methods. The HIPAA privacy rule set the limits to which extent we can use…

  • HIPAA Research via The Department of Health and Human Services Website

    HIPAA Research via The Department of Health and Human Services Website I had no idea that there were so many levels of HIPAA and patient rights. All the different rules and regulations for the special topics, the depth of the Patient Safety Rule, the involvement of the OCR. Even though there was an overwhelming amount…

  • Impact Of Wearable Technology On HIPAA

    Impact Of Wearable Technology On HIPAA Executive Summary A recent study estimates that 19% percent of US citizens claim they currently use a wearable fitness tracker, with the same percentage saying they currently use a mobile health app. Combining present use with the percentages of Americans saying they have used each of these devices in…

  • HIPAA To Meet Federal Prerequisites For Electronic PHI Upkeep, Transmission, And Capacity

    HIPAA To Meet Federal Prerequisites For Electronic PHI Upkeep, Transmission, And Capacity The healthcare business is continually developing to meet federal prerequisites for electronic PHI upkeep, transmission, and capacity. The present healthcare organizations are picking HIPAA-compliant partners that diminish the risk of PHI breaches, decrease network unpredictability, counterbalance capital expenses, and upgrade network nimbleness to…