Category: Health & Medicine 13691

  • Self-Employed Nurses as Agents of Change in Canada

    Self-Employed Nurses as Agents of Change in Canada The position of the nurse in the currently existing medical system has been a debated issue for a certain amount of time (Gotlib Conn, Kenaszchuk, Dainty, Zwarenstein, & Reeves, 2014). This paper discusses an article by Wall (2014), which considers the phenomenon of self-employed nurses in Canada…

  • Issues of Vegetarianism in the Book The Vegetarian Imperative by Anand Saxena

    Issues of Vegetarianism in the Book The Vegetarian Imperative by Anand Saxena Table of Contents Introduction The Vegetarian Imperative Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Many people do not take the issue of health and nutrition seriously today. Studies indicate that people eat as much food as they want. It is agreeable that people no longer think…

  • Nurse Roles in Practice

    Nurse Roles in Practice Patient/family/client situation The roles of professional nurses continue expanding and changing relative to the rising populations in need of healthcare on one hand, and on the other hand, there is the philosophical shift in healthcare provision in that besides nurses curing illnesses, they are also required to promote health, take refresher…

  • Immunology: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Juvenile

    Immunology: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Juvenile Introduction Studies on juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have intensified in recent times. Moreover, new discoveries have surfaced on the disease. Studies have also shown that SLE is more aggressive in children than in adults. It is important to note that few studies have been done on the utility of…

  • Finding Gene-Environment Interaction for Phobias: Article Critique

    Finding Gene-Environment Interaction for Phobias: Article Critique Table of Contents Introduction Detailing phobias Application of knowledge Benefits of this article Reference List Introduction Phobias could be termed as morbid fear or dread of something. It could be the expression of repressed dread of unpleasant childhood experiences which surface when a similar situation occurs, although the…

  • The Impact of Electronic Medical Records

    The Impact of Electronic Medical Records Information technology is transforming the world from the large volumes of files in the offices to a paper free environment and health care sector is not left behind given the advantages attached to this technology. Electronic medical records can simply be defined as digital medical records i.e. medical records…

  • Description of Three Cognitive Biases

    Description of Three Cognitive Biases Table of Contents Confirmation bias Representativeness Heuristic Hindsight Bias Conclusion Cognitive bias is a continuous pattern of deviation from what is rational. There are many types of cognitive bias. The paper would discuss the confirmation bias, representativeness heuristic, and hindsight bias. Confirmation bias It is a way or method of…

  • Healthy Lifestyle Tips: Cheaper Ways of Living Healthy, Despite the High Costs of Healthy Lifestyle

    Healthy Lifestyle Tips: Cheaper Ways of Living Healthy, Despite the High Costs of Healthy Lifestyle Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference List Introduction Giving incentives to people or even lowering insurance costs for people so that they can improve or maintain a healthy living or lifestyle is not a permanent solution for health problems.…

  • Jane Barker Brooklyn Child Advocacy Center

    Jane Barker Brooklyn Child Advocacy Center Introduction Located in New York City, Jane Barker Brooklyn Child Advocacy Center offers treatment to child abuse victims. Since its inception, the center has adopted a multidisciplinary approach in rehabilitating child abuse victims (SHO, 2013). Indeed, the Center is among the first child rehabilitation centers to offer a multidisciplinary…

  • Implementation of the Future Institute of Medicine

    Implementation of the Future Institute of Medicine Table of Contents The Work of the Committee Importance of the Report The Intent of the Campaign for Action The Rationale for State-Based Coalitions California State-Based Action for Coalition The Initiatives of California State-Based Action Coalition References The Work of the Committee The work of the committee was…