Category: Harmony

  • Harmony Oss Features And Challenges

    Harmony Oss Features And Challenges ABSTRACT Harmony operating system (Harmony OS) is the English name for Hong Meng operating system which means to bring more harmony and convenience to the world. Harmony OS is the first open source operating systems developed in China since China’s economic opening 41 years ago, developed by Huawei Technologies Co.…

  • The Harmony Of Japanese People With Secondary Nature

    The Harmony Of Japanese People With Secondary Nature There have long been debate on the belief of Japanese people in harmony with nature. On one hand, this belief is popular in all periods in Japan history, which can be traced back to the Heian period. As Ki no Tsurayuki puts in his preface to the…

  • Harmony: Improving Economies Through Decentralized Advantage

    Harmony: Improving Economies Through Decentralized Advantage INTRODUCTION If the digital community will ever amount to something in the financiaI world, it has to give out more than what it is able to give especially when it comes to using the cryptocoins for payments. What holds it down still it the poor level of scalability of…