Category: Happiness

  • Does Prosocial Behavior Increase Happiness?

    Does Prosocial Behavior Increase Happiness? Past research has shown that feelings of happiness are associated with several health benefits like improved immune system functioning and increased life expectancy (Gazzaniga, 2018). This raises the question: How can this desirable state of mind be increased? A growing body of literature suggests that one potential enhancing factor might…

  • Analytical Essay on the Issues of Family: Sociological Imagination and the Formula for Happiness

    Analytical Essay on the Issues of Family: Sociological Imagination and the Formula for Happiness Introduction One of the first and foremost problem in our society is the Family. Ever since the beginning of civilization, family served as the main support for physical, emotional, and psychological guidance. Nevertheless, it is also said that these days the…

  • Philosophers’ and Psychologists’ Agreements or Disagreements on What Happiness is

    Philosophers’ and Psychologists’ Agreements or Disagreements on What Happiness is Chinese philosopher Confucius explored what is needed to achieve happiness and sustain it. He believed that happiness is largely down to the individuals moral innocence and place within society rather than the individuals desires. Confucius looks at multiple ways to develop good character throughout our…

  • Happiness Through Stoicism

    Happiness Through Stoicism Mankinds superfluous yet multifarious hounding for felicity has been a constant throughout history. Singapores stressful lifestyle and long working hours often leave one little time to indulge. Yet, contrary to Aristotles Nicomachean ethics, I believe happiness is achievable by all without the dedication of ones entire life. Happiness is intrinsically important for…

  • A Correlational Study Of Mental Health, Resilience and Happiness

    A Correlational Study Of Mental Health, Resilience and Happiness Mental Health is a positive idea. The idea is socially characterized, yet by and large identifies with the delight throughout everyday life, capacity to adapt to stresses and pity, the satisfaction of objectives and potential, and a feeling of association with others (Jenkins, 2007).Cutts and Mosaley…

  • Aristotles View on Happiness Found in the Nicomachean Ethics: Analytical Overview

    Aristotles View on Happiness Found in the Nicomachean Ethics: Analytical Overview Aristotle was a Greek philosopher that lived in the fourth century BC of Ancient Greece. He spent his life analyzing different philosophical texts; which led to his work on a good human life and happiness. Aristotle believed that in order to achieve a good…

  • How Change in Attitude Can Bring Happiness

    How Change in Attitude Can Bring Happiness The presented movie revolves around the most important aspects of the life of any person, which is happiness. The central idea is to investigate this phenomenon and determine what factors make a person happy. To achieve this goal, the author initiates the long journey towards an improved understanding…

  • Money and Happiness in Economic Theories

    Money and Happiness in Economic Theories Does Money Buy Happiness? According to the discovery of various economists and sociologists such as Adam Smith, money does not buy happiness where they have argued that the limited ability of people to achieve happiness through material wealth is not enough to guarantee them material wealth. Even though a…

  • Mindfulness And Its Impact On Happiness

    Mindfulness And Its Impact On Happiness When someone asks what the meaning of life is, it might be really easy to answer, find happiness, but that answer only poses more questions. What is happiness? Why does everyone strive for it and how does one obtain it? Is it even obtainable? People can be happy one…

  • Happiness And Suffering: Happiness Action Plan

    Happiness And Suffering: Happiness Action Plan Set reasonable goals In the pursuit of happiness, we need to set reasonable goals in accordance to what we value in life. According to desire-fulfillment theories, achieving these goals will then bring about pleasure (Benatar, 2006). Achievement of these goals can also directly contribute to feelings of endorsement, one…