Category: Google

  • How to Download a Game from Google Play Store

    How to Download a Game from Google Play Store Table of Contents Introduction How to launch the Play Store If you cannot find Google Play Store in the app list How to find and download a game Conclusion Reference Introduction Google Play Store app is pre-installed on compatible Android devices. You can download applications, games,…

  • The Article Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr

    The Article Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr Is Google Making Us Stupid? an article by Nicholas Carr (2008) mostly examines the premise and effect of how the Internet influences our studying, thinking, and writing routines. It also alters how our minds attempt to conform to evolving times in the context of reading.…

  • Google Chrome OS Description

    Google Chrome OS Description Introduction Chrome OS refers to a Google-designed, open-source operating system based on Gentoo Linux. The aforementioned technology is derived from the Chromium OSfree software. It also utilizes the Google Chrome browser as its primary or main user interface (Hachman, 2019). Chrome OS stores user data/information and applications in the cloud, and…

  • Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr: Summary

    Is Google Making Us Stupid? by Nicholas Carr: Summary In his article, Is Google Making us Stupid, Nicholas Carr describes the main traps people can fall into actively using the Internet. The world web gives countless opportunities; however, it damages peoples perception of the world and brings inconveniences. Carr is correct, the Internet causes users…

  • Google Company Analysis: Strategies and Issues

    Google Company Analysis: Strategies and Issues Introduction Google was created to provide all information to the world freely through the organization of the same and being good unless otherwise. Google later launched Gmail which was supposed to compete with yahoo but it was more customized and designed for its contents. The contents for the search…

  • Google Search vs. EBSCO Information Services

    Google Search vs. EBSCO Information Services Table of Contents Abstract Widespread of web sources Google Search Scholarly sources Google vs EBSCO host Conclusion Reference List Abstract The following work is devoted to the investigation of modern ways of getting information. Possibilities of a web search system are analyzed and compared with possibilities of a web…

  • Googles Negative Impact on Society

    Googles Negative Impact on Society Table of Contents Introduction Using Google for Entertainment Using Google for Leisure Google and the Degradation of Knowledge Google and the Degradation of Self-Development Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Technological progress is rapid nowadays, resulting in positive and negative societal changes. While the positive dynamics are actively discussed, there is a…

  • Google Merchandise Stores Data Analysis

    Google Merchandise Stores Data Analysis Summary The main goal of the Google Merchandise Store, an e-commerce site, is to increase the revenue and profitability of Alphabet Inc., Googles parent company. Through the analysis of Google Merchandise Store data (March 2020-February 2021) obtained using Google Analytics (Google, 2021b), a number of objectives were identified that needed…

  • Using Google Docs in Pedagogical Practice: Survey Overview

    Using Google Docs in Pedagogical Practice: Survey Overview Direction of Assessment Todays education industry is increasingly involved in the digital world, which means that effective learning without the use of computers is impossible. In fact, technology has multiple impacts on learning outcomes, and there is no denying that it optimizes responsiveness, student feedback, and engagement.…

  • Is Google Making Us Stupid?

    Is Google Making Us Stupid? Carr argues in this article that typical Internet usage habits cause people to have shorter attention spans, have altered thought processes, and have lesser levels of culture and intellect. Carrs original stance on technology is a solid argument in favor of his thesis. Carr has committed most of his working…