Category: Ford

  • Truck Choosing: Ford, Chevy, and Dodge



    Truck Choosing: Ford, Chevy, and Dodge Introduction Choosing a truck is often a difficult task due to the abundance of available options. Of course, every person chooses a vehicle to his/her taste. Some people want to get a powerful and conservative truck, while some are looking for a fast and modern vehicle. Leaders of the…

  • Organizational Change in Ford Motor Company



    Organizational Change in Ford Motor Company Today, the US auto industry experiences problems caused by economic decline and financial crisis. Therefore, because innovation is all about creating new realities, change must deal first and last with sight. Many critics admit that the US auto industry will not be able to survive without innovations and new…

  • The Ford-Firestone Case: Large-Scale Controversy



    The Ford-Firestone Case: Large-Scale Controversy Table of Contents Summary Who is at fault for exploding tires? Ethical violations from Ford or Firestone Application to a different situation References Summary Ford-Firestone case is a large-scale controversy related to the tire company Firestone and the Ford Motor Company. The event itself concerns a period where an increased…

  • Ford Motor Companys Strategic Leadership



    Ford Motor Companys Strategic Leadership Ford had been experiencing losses for a long time, and this made it look for a CEO outside the industry. In the 1990s, leadership training programs were developed to strengthen the build-up of human capital. These were Ford Business Associates, Capstone, Experienced Leader Challenge, and the New Business Leader. These…

  • Enhance Management Practices in Ford Company



    Enhance Management Practices in Ford Company Table of Contents Introduction Global Strategy and Management Ford Motors Conclusion References Appendix Introduction Organizations today strive to etch a commanding global presence. Many of the multinational companies, though having significant global presence, are not equally aggressive in their global strategy. Globalization today has become a necessity for sustenance…

  • Ford Motor Companys Strategic Leadership



    Ford Motor Companys Strategic Leadership Ford had been experiencing losses for a long time, and this made it look for a CEO outside the industry. In the 1990s, leadership training programs were developed to strengthen the build-up of human capital. These were Ford Business Associates, Capstone, Experienced Leader Challenge, and the New Business Leader. These…

  • Ford Motor Companys Present Stock Value



    Ford Motor Companys Present Stock Value Trend of Ford shares for the last five years is shown below. Based on the trend of the graph below, I will state that the stock price was fairly stable with little fluctuations except during the period of the financial crisis. From the trend shown below, I will state…

  • Ford Motor Companys Internal Environmental Analysis



    Ford Motor Companys Internal Environmental Analysis Strategic Role of Corporate Strengths/Weaknesses in the Internal Strategy Analysis Partial SWOT The Ford company is an American international automobile producer with a strong reputation among its users. The partial SWOT shows whether the company can survive in the market concerning its performance and competitive advantage. The business entity…

  • Ford Motor Company: The Human Resource Strategies, Policies and Practices



    Ford Motor Company: The Human Resource Strategies, Policies and Practices Table of Contents Abstract Functions of the HR Department International HRM Strategies Conclusions References Abstract The Ford Motor Company is the worlds fourth-largest automaker based in America after Toyota of Japan, General Motors of the U.S, and Volkswagen of Germany. It is involved in the…

  • Ford Motor Company Organisational Structures



    Ford Motor Company Organisational Structures Introduction This report summarises the managerial and organisational structures of Ford Motor Company. An analysis of the market environment in which Ford occupies will be taken into consideration to determine the internal and external factors that affect their organisation. Historical Background Henry Ford started Ford Motors in Detroit, Michigan in…