Category: Fashion

  • The United States Fashion Industrys Overview

    The United States Fashion Industrys Overview As a commodity of the contemporary era, the fashion industry is the third largest global enterprise after automobiles and technology (Pelikánová, 2021). Fashion is dedicated to the trade of manufacturing and making sales of clothes, and it incorporates manufacturing, design, distribution, retailing, marketing, and promotion. Further, the fashion industry…

  • Alessandra Rich Fashion Houses Launch of Menswear

    Alessandra Rich Fashion Houses Launch of Menswear Executive Summary The paper presents an overview of Alessandra Rich fashion house, including brand identity, a brief competitor analysis, and a target market. Further, sustainable production is discussed, including sourcing, distribution, the critical path, and the supply chain strategy. Special emphasis is made on the ways of reducing…

  • Thai-Lay Fashion Companys Operations Management

    Thai-Lay Fashion Companys Operations Management Executive Summary Operations management is an essential function of any organization irrespective of size and motive. All organizations do some or all of the requirements of operations management, even if there is no separate staff or department for this purpose. This paper reviews operations management in business with reference to…

  • Zara in the United Kingdoms Retail Fashion Market

    Zara in the United Kingdoms Retail Fashion Market Introduction Zara is a multinational company specializing in the production and distribution of clothes and other fast fashion goods. The company was established in 1975 in Spain with its primary objective being to retail clothes (Chatvijit 2012). In its initial stages, the company operated exclusively in Spain…

  • Overseas Sweatshops in the Fashion Industry

    Overseas Sweatshops in the Fashion Industry Overseas sweatshops are a common practice for many companies and industries all over the globe. The production of clothes is one of the most significant sectors that employ foreign sweatshop labor (Stafford). This paper covers a brief history of the issue and reasons why fashion giants decided to move…

  • Customer Satisfaction in the Fashion Industry: H&M Case

    Customer Satisfaction in the Fashion Industry: H&M Case Introduction Research design is a prominent and vital part of marketing researcher. By applying various methods of analyzing and interpreting data, one can form solutions to emerging problems and ensure the stable development of a company. In this process, choosing the most appropriate type of research design…

  • Six Best Fashion Periods Throughout History

    Six Best Fashion Periods Throughout History The Victorian fashion era began with Queen Victorias reign started in 1837 and ended in 1901 upon her death. It marked a critical time in Britains history and around the world. The period saw many changes in fashion, including changes in styles, fashion technology, and the methods of circulation.…

  • The History of Fashion Essay: from 1900 to Present

    The History of Fashion Essay: from 1900 to Present 1910s The 1910s saw changes to the womens dress silhouette, with narrow waists and corsets giving a slim and straight silhouette. Big hats were also popular. At the beginning of the decade, Orientalism was also on the rise, with draped fabrics and vibrant colours becoming popular.…

  • Fast Fashion Essay: Reasons Why It is a Problem

    Fast Fashion Essay: Reasons Why It is a Problem A popular trend in clothing in a particular place during a specific time period. Inexpensive clothing is created based on fashion trends, which encourages clothing disposal as a result of its fast-response system. Started and influenced due to competition among clothing brands and to increase profit.…

  • Fashion Development in Paris And Australia

    Fashion Development in Paris And Australia Throughout the world, Paris, along with London, has been known as the fashion capital of the world and has been that way for hundreds of years. France first began to recognise clothing as a business at the start of the 17th century with the introduction of the mass amount…