Category: Failure

  • George Washington Failures

    George Washington Failures Experience had taught George Washington a great many things. His father had passed away at a young age, denying him the chance for the college education in England that he had been promised. Instead of lecture halls and libraries, his factories of learning were to be the wildernesses of the Virginia frontier,…

  • Personal Failure Essay Example

    Personal Failure Essay Example Finding the courage to overcome obstacles in our lives often molds us into the people we become. One of my largest and most recent setbacks has changed my perspective on life, it taught me how to deal with disappointment, and face my problems. Eight months ago I failed my drivers test…

  • How To Cope With Failure

    How To Cope With Failure Every single person has failed at one point or another in their life. Whether it was in school, a job, or even making a decision. Regardless of what it is, everyone has done it. But, what matters most is finding a way to grow from failure and instead, succeed next…

  • Essay on Why Did the French Revolution Fail

    Essay on Why Did the French Revolution Fail The French Revolution tore Europe apart, it was a fire that raged through Europe at the end of the 18th century, the flame of that revolution ignited a fire in the economy, and the whole world changed once the effects of the revolution spread through Europe. The…

  • Failure: Setback Or A Step To The Next Level?

    Failure: Setback Or A Step To The Next Level? A time that I experienced failure was when I failed my first science test in the fourth grade. I walked into my class on a rainy Wednesday thinking that that day would be stress-free like any other day. I sat down in my seat and started…

  • Fear Of Failure: Overcoming Essay

    Fear Of Failure: Overcoming Essay Have you ever heard a proverb saying that He, who doesnt risk, never gets to drink champagne? Of course, many try to avoid taking risks, thinking its wise to keep what youve already got instead of staking it in the hope of getting more. A fear of failure makes people…

  • The Meanings And Definitions Of Failure

    The Meanings And Definitions Of Failure What is failing to you? The word failure according to the website, is the condition of not achieving ones goal or goals. However, this basic denotation does not come near to summing up the infinite definitions. Every person regardless of status, color, or gender, has dealt with this…

  • The Correlation Between Success And Failure

    The Correlation Between Success And Failure Success normally envisaged the core element every human being reckoning to achieve in life. It is not a cake walk to shoot in one day. It requires doing toughest and unlikeable things to do in life. Ceasing discomfort opens path to success example PM of India sleeps just five…

  • Grit and Growth Mindset Essay

    Grit and Growth Mindset Essay In today’s society, there is a belief that intelligence is tied to GPA. There is a stereotype about intelligence. It is the idea that you are either smart or not smart. You either understand it, or you do not. What happens if you are between? College is about self-learning and…

  • Why Failure Is Key Of Success

    Why Failure Is Key Of Success We always celebrate winning with the people we love but forced to face failure alone. We reached the point where we can’t accept failure because we are afraid of shame. We forget that accepting failure is an important part of learning. Failure can vary from one person to another…