Category: Ethnicity

  • Diversity and Society: Race, Ethnicity and Gender

    Diversity and Society: Race, Ethnicity and Gender Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Self-identification, ethnicity, and racism Prejudice and discrimination Self-identification and culture Conclusion References Abstract Self-identification is a complex process, and it includes answers to questions of how a person views his or her ethnicity and culture; whether a person feels privileged or discriminated ideologically,…

  • Race and Ethnicity and Their Significance Today

    Race and Ethnicity and Their Significance Today Table of Contents Definition Race and Ethnicity My performance Works Cited Definition Ethnicity is a term that is used to categorize people into similar and different groups based on their cultural or physical attributes. The categorizers believe that the biological composition affects the cultures of the people. Race,…

  • Race and Ethnicity in Latin America

    Race and Ethnicity in Latin America Different countries and societies are made up of people with diverse cultural or even linguistic backgrounds. This makes them plural societies. However, because of this plural nature certain issues with regards to race and ethnicity are bound to arise. According to Knight, (1996) race and ethnicity are essentially historical…

  • Australian Chinese: Migration, Ethnicity and Identity

    Australian Chinese: Migration, Ethnicity and Identity In the modern world of multi-culture and migration has the pertinent value of discussion and the realization that migration, ethnicity, and identity have much in common takes the serious debates towards finding new meanings to it. Migration is the nature of modern man in a global market. Many of…

  • Race and Ethnicity Necessity

    Race and Ethnicity Necessity In the current reality of the international society built under the influence of the process of globalization, ethnicity seems to matter much less than before; a similar tendency can be explored in Miami as well. This phenomenon of being post-racial can be witnessed on the most varied levels of society including…

  • Sociological Issues About Social Class and Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, Gender

    Sociological Issues About Social Class and Poverty, Race and Ethnicity, Gender Social Class and Poverty Consequences of poverty in the US There are two main consequences of poverty that can be defined. The first one is food insecurity, which threatens the well-being of families (Leon-Guerrero). The inability to acquire enough food or get a varied…

  • Perception of Race and Ethnicity

    Perception of Race and Ethnicity The topic for this week is race and ethnicity, and how these phenomena affect human relationships. Racial injustice is quite acute in modern society, so this topic is extremely relevant. In particular, it is essential to understand how racial and ethnic stereotypes are formed in childhood. The article I wish…

  • Race and Ethnicity. Minorities Issues

    Race and Ethnicity. Minorities Issues The concepts of race and ethnicity are used to describe distinct groups of the population. The difference is that race characterizes unique physical traits such as skin color or eye shape that distinguish one category of people from another. Ethnicity is about the culture with which a person identifies himself…

  • Obesity: Racial and Ethnicity Disparities in West Virginia

    Obesity: Racial and Ethnicity Disparities in West Virginia Obesity is a complex disorder in the United States affecting most adults. Different states have varying rates of obesity, with West Virginia leading in the proportion of people leaving with the disease compared to other states like Colorado. Numerous social, economic, and environmental factors contribute to racial…

  • Racial and Ethnicity Inequality

    Racial and Ethnicity Inequality Table of Contents Introduction History: Legislation History: Census Current Impact: Income Current Impact: Healthcare Competition Theory Conclusion References Introduction Racial and ethnic inequality in health care, education, housing, and employment is a national issue in the U.S. despite the legislative prohibition of these forms of discrimination. According to Hahn et al.…