Category: Equality

  • The Issue of Social Equality and Feminism

    The Issue of Social Equality and Feminism Among all the many social topics that have deeply touched the souls of the millions around the world, the issue of social equality has come at the forefront. Being a feminist who supports womens rights to the fullest extent and underlines their equality to men, I have never…

  • Radical Feminism vs. Equality

    Radical Feminism vs. Equality In the 21st century, feminism has become a major social issue. The globalized world has contributed to the spread of feminist ideas to every corner of the world. Mostly, it is considered to be, and it is, a positive influence on the main cause of the feminist movement which achieved considerable…

  • The Human Right to Equality and Racial Issues in the US

    The Human Right to Equality and Racial Issues in the US This paper examines the issue of the human right to equality and non-discrimination, which is in question in the United States. Most probably, this right implementation is likely to achieve the most criticism from other nations of the world during the Universal Periodic Review.…

  • Is Gender Equality the Silent Killer of Marriages? Article Analysis

    Is Gender Equality the Silent Killer of Marriages? Article Analysis Suzanne Venkers article Is Equality Ruining Your Marriage? explores the adverse effects of integrating egalitarian concepts in the marriage context. At the onset, Venker argues that couples in marital unions which conform to the traditional gender roles are happier as compared to those whose marriages…

  • Womens Equality in the 1960s

    Womens Equality in the 1960s Table of Contents Introduction Controversy and Messages Conclusion Work Cited Introduction In Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Carol Oates presents a story of a 15-year-old Connie, who has poor relationships with her mother and sister. The girl began to spend more time in front of the mirror…

  • Integration of Gender Equality in Organizational Management

    Integration of Gender Equality in Organizational Management Modern economies have adopted liberal practices aimed at improving stakeholder value among profit-making entities. Developed regions, such as North America, Europe, and East Asia, have adopted contemporary approaches to ensure sustainable profitability (Gupta et al., 2019). Management officials and the workforce benefit from professional experience and networks which…

  • Impact of Equality in Capitalistic Society

    Impact of Equality in Capitalistic Society In the era of capitalism, differences and superiority are welcomed and encouraged. It is natural for people to compare themselves with other people and recognize and acknowledge these differences as a part of the cognitive process. People compare their physical attributes, social status, income, intelligence, and skill levels and…

  • The Challenge of Racial Equality in the United States

    The Challenge of Racial Equality in the United States Table of Contents Statement of the Problem Related Policies and Laws Discussion of Diversity Global Perspective References Racial equality constitutes a social welfare issue that has proliferated the social, economic, and political paradigms in the United States. People from ethnically inferior communities increasingly face marginalization in…

  • Gender Equality as Smart Economics Policy Agenda

    Gender Equality as Smart Economics Policy Agenda Table of Contents Introduction A Historical View of Gender Equality The Importance of Gender Balance in the Economy Gender Equality in the Smart Economy: An Agenda Conclusion Reference List Introduction Subjecting pre-existing economic models, closely associated with the moods of the era, to critical analysis in terms of…

  • Sex and Gender Equality in a Personal Worldview

    Sex and Gender Equality in a Personal Worldview Table of Contents Introduction What is sex? What is gender? Conclusion References Introduction The debate about sex, gender, and associated issues is integral to contemporary society. Inequalities, bias, and different expectations are the consequences of socially constructed concepts of human sex and gender. According to Kurzman et…