Category: Emotional Intelligence

  • The Notion of the Emotional Intelligence

    The Notion of the Emotional Intelligence Table of Contents Introduction Emotional Intelligence and Working Performance Emotional Competence and Leadership Conclusion References Annotated bibliography Introduction Emotion is the object of study in many fields of knowledge: psychology, sociology, anthropology, organizational behavior, neuroscience, etc. Although the scholars and scientists explore emotions from different perspectives, most of them…

  • The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

    The Importance of Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is an essential and valuable skill that allows recognizing other peoples emotions and intentions and, to some extent, manages them. This skill helps to solve practical problems and achieve goals in life and at work. People with developed emotional intelligence can negotiate with other people, make decisions and…

  • Emotional Intelligence Development in Contemporary World

    Emotional Intelligence Development in Contemporary World In todays realities, emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in personal communication. Since information is the least influential factor in interaction, emotions have the most significant impact on peoples impressions. David Goleman is one of the most powerful scientists in the emotional intelligence sphere (Goleman, 2012). His scientific works,…

  • Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare Leaders and Nurses

    Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare Leaders and Nurses Table of Contents Introduction Emotional Intelligence and Leadership in Health Care Emotional Intelligence Quiz Assessment Conclusions References Introduction The high quality of care is one of the primary concerns for patients and the responsibility of health care providers. One of the factors which influence the quality of care…

  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence And Its Significance

    Understanding Emotional Intelligence And Its Significance For the past decades, emotional intelligence has been a debatable and an essential topic in understanding the different domains in human life (Drigas & Papoutsi, 2018). Emotional intelligence is the capability of understanding, identifying, using, expressing and managing the emotions (Kotsou, Mikolajczak, Heeren, Grégoire & Leys, 2018). It has…

  • Emotional Intelligence in FedEx Managers

    Emotional Intelligence in FedEx Managers Emotional intelligence is a vital characteristic of the quality of human interactions. That is why there is a multitude of research on the importance of emotional intelligence in nurses and academic staff. Simultaneously, private organizations need quality relations, just like organizations in the public sector (Lopes, 2016). As noted in…

  • Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Leadership Performance

    Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Leadership Performance Considering the notion of leadership in the modern organizational culture, the meaning behind this term has undergone some drastic changes over the past decades. Previously, the idea of leadership was driven by the desire to achieve the maximum quality result in the shortest time possible. Whereas the overall…

  • Emotional Intelligence Strategies and Strategic Leadership

    Emotional Intelligence Strategies and Strategic Leadership Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion Reference Introduction The workplace is a space for communication and building social connections that should be navigated to achieve successful functioning and delivering results. The administrator acts as a leader who can develop a workplace environment for mutual interaction. Feedback and reciprocity are…

  • Philosophy of Nursing: Emotional Intelligence Theory

    Philosophy of Nursing: Emotional Intelligence Theory Table of Contents Nursing and Its Components in my Philosophy of Nursing Major Domains The Future of Nursing References Nursing and Its Components in my Philosophy of Nursing My nursing philosophy can be identified as culturally-sensitive and holistic. In my point of view, it is of great importance to…

  • Emotional Intelligence Level and Its Significance

    Emotional Intelligence Level and Its Significance Introduction The significance of the ability to read the patients emotions can hardly be overrated. A nurse must be able to identify the patients mood; the given ability helps understand the needs thereof. As a result, the quality of nursing can be improved significantly, and the services delivered will…