Category: Drugs

  • Soderberghs Traffic and the U.S. War on Drugs

    Soderberghs Traffic and the U.S. War on Drugs The U.S. war on drugs has become a significant event in the political, social, and economic dimensions of the nation. Starting from the 1980s till today, government agencies put efforts into stopping the drug flood into the country. Nonetheless, the effects of such a war are merely…

  • Violence in the 20th-Century Latin America: Colombian Drug Wars, Dictatorship in Chile, and Undiscovered Personal Tragedies

    Violence in the 20th-Century Latin America: Colombian Drug Wars, Dictatorship in Chile, and Undiscovered Personal Tragedies Creating a political environment that is fully devoid of violence is barely possible since there will always be war profiteers who will spur the development of confrontations. However, when considering the history of political brutality in the 20th century,…

  • Legalizing Drugs, an Irrational and Harmful Choice

    Legalizing Drugs, an Irrational and Harmful Choice The current trend of relaxing drug laws in Europe and the several U.S. States is disturbing. The two most popular drugs (alcohol and tobacco) have been legalized. These drugs are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, injury and ruined lives due to addiction every year. Why does…

  • Drugs and Drug Related Crimes

    Drugs and Drug Related Crimes Table of Contents Introduction Drugs, Society, and Crime Drugs in Sports Legalize Drugs Ban, Protect, and Preserve against Drugs Conclusion References Introduction It is appalling to know that drug manifestation starts at a very stage and our children are exposed to them. Children are naïve and had impressionable minds thus…

  • Physical Privacy and Drug Testing

    Physical Privacy and Drug Testing Drug testing is a process whereby companies make use of scientific methods to determine whether their employees use illegal drugs within the workplace. Although the practice, the practice violates fundamental individual human rights that can have negative effects on the morale of the workers. The issue has also generated lots…

  • Drug Use, Dealing and Violence

    Drug Use, Dealing and Violence Table of Contents Introduction The connection between drug use, dealing, and violence Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Research shows that the issues of drug use, actual dealing in drugs, and violence are interrelated. De La Rosa, Lambert, and Gropper assert that this relationship is complex with increased research conducted on the…

  • Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Student Athletes

    Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Student Athletes Introduction Many physicians, parents and coaches worry about the effect of performance enhancing drugs in schools and colleges (Amy, n.d.). The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) reports that in every thirty student-athletes, one will use performance-enhancing drugs like steroids (Coalition addresses abuse of performance-enhancing drugs, 2004). Research…

  • Combating the Local Drug Distribution

    Combating the Local Drug Distribution The Jefferson County Sheriffs Department should apply for a Federally Funded Grant, for the funds to be used towards eliminating the street drug markets in our local community. This will significantly benefit not only the local community by providing safer neighborhoods and also decreasing the local crime rate within the…

  • Drug Trade. Crack Book by David Farber

    Drug Trade. Crack Book by David Farber The history of countries can be understood by studying numerous explicit and hidden processes of economics, politics, and trade. Thus, for example, for America in the 20th century, the development of crack production and trade was a striking phenomenon. This drug was popular among different population segments, but…

  • International Drug Policy in Russia and the US

    International Drug Policy in Russia and the US Table of Contents Drugs are Problematic in Russia Are There Drug Policies Punitive or Treatment Based Problem Experienced in the Society as a Result of Drug Drug Laws of Russia and United States Minority Groups and drug laws Laws in Russia and the United States on Drugs…