Category: Drugs

  • Illicit Drug Use Among American Youths

    Illicit Drug Use Among American Youths Table of Contents Introduction Research Evaluation Appropriateness of the Research Conclusion Reference List Introduction Authored by Newcomb, Birkett, Corrliss, and Mustanski, the article Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Racial Differences in Illicit Drug Use in a Sample of the US High School Students is a study on the prevalence levels…

  • Drug Dealing Reasons in East Harlem, New York City

    Drug Dealing Reasons in East Harlem, New York City The excerpt from the work In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio by Philippe Bourgois introduces the reader to the problems of crack dealers in East Harlem, New York City. The researcher, a professor of anthropology, analyzes the reasons which make the inhabitants of…

  • Drug War Failure and Associated Problems

    Drug War Failure and Associated Problems Introduction One of the challenges that the United States has been dealing with over the last several decades is the illegal drug business. Over the years, several illegal drugs have been used in the United States for recreational, medical, and spiritual purposes (Alexander 20). The war on illegal drugs…

  • The Drug Enforcement Administration Business Model

    The Drug Enforcement Administration Business Model Table of Contents Introduction Business Model Canvas Summary Theoretical and Behavioral Trends Discussion Recommendations Customer Communications Cooperation with Other Establishments Outcomes Conclusion References Introduction The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) operates under a business model that ensures efficient activities of its employees and good cooperation with partners. However, two building…

  • Information Technology and Mexican Drug Cartels

    Information Technology and Mexican Drug Cartels Mexican drug cartels have begun forging a new way forward to gain supremacy over rival cartels and increase their drug dealing businesses. The biggest headlines coming out of Mexico recently have involved the increased drug-driven violence that has resulted in death tolls high enough to warrant U.S. intervention in…

  • Drug Test on Welfare Recipients

    Drug Test on Welfare Recipients Article Analysis The article by Schoenbach and Mitchell (2013) discusses various factors that are against drug tests on welfare applicants and recipients. The authors state that compulsory drug tests, according to Senate Bill 594, inserts excessive financial problems on stressed families and to the country. The drug test on welfare…

  • Behind the War on Drugs

    Behind the War on Drugs According to Eugine Jarecki (2015), the war on drugs has not been properly fought. He believes that the government has ended up aggravating the problem when it was expected to be solving the problem. His film, The House I Live in, exposes issues that have led to the prevalence in…

  • Psychoactive Drugs, Society, and Human Behaviour

    Psychoactive Drugs, Society, and Human Behaviour In Your World: Psychoactive Drugs Experiences Psychoactive drugs are chemical substances that affect mood, perception, the way of thinking, and behaviour. There are four major types of psychoactive drugs: psychedelics, stimulators, opiates, and sedative-hypnotic substances (Bartol & Bartol, 2014). Hallucinogens or psychedelic drugs are called so because they may…

  • Random Drug Testing in Schools

    Random Drug Testing in Schools School athletes become role models for many young people. They represent the idea of youth, strength, and health (Hart & Ksir, 2015). When it turns out to be that an athlete uses steroids or some other drugs, this beautiful picture is broken into pieces and can hardly be repaired. Therefore,…

  • Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients

    Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients Welfare is a socioeconomic program that aims to help people in need with finding a job and becoming self-sufficient. Recently, several states issued new legislation to make drug testing mandatory for all welfare recipients, which caused debates on its benefits. While the supporters of this intervention claim that it…