Category: Driving

  • Drunk Driving Problem: Facts and Statistics

    Drunk Driving Problem: Facts and Statistics Abstract The given paper revolves around the nagging problem of the alcohol abuse and drunk driving. The paper consists of eight parts which help to present the information in the logic and clear way. The introduction provides the information needed for the better understanding of the main topic of…

  • The Trolley Problem and Self-Driving Cars

    The Trolley Problem and Self-Driving Cars Table of Contents Introduction My Reaction Self-Driving Cars and the Trolley Problem Conclusion References Introduction The Trolley Problem is ethics thought experiment that deals with the choice of saving several people by killing one. It has found widespread use in various moral and ethical discussions, such as law, medicine,…

  • Drivers Today Have Dangerous Driving Habits

    Drivers Today Have Dangerous Driving Habits Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Have you ever stopped to observe the driving habits of the other people behind the wheel these days? If you have then you must have noticed that driving is no longer the sole activity that the person in charge…

  • Dangerous Driving: Many Drivers Have Dangerous Habits

    Dangerous Driving: Many Drivers Have Dangerous Habits Table of Contents Introduction Bad Driving Habits Solutions to the Bad Habits Conclusion Introduction Accidents happening on our roads have been a major cause of deaths and injuries in the country. Many unnecessary costs of medication; loss of livelihood and of lives are incurred. This paper seeks to…

  • The Dangers of Speeding While Driving

    The Dangers of Speeding While Driving Outline High speed driving is a dangerous but very common practice and has been blamed for most motor accidents happening in modern day society. Motor accidents lead to fatal injuries that may result in permanent disability and also cause very many premature deaths as well as damage to the…

  • Driving Among Diabetic Patients

    Driving Among Diabetic Patients Driving among diabetic patients is an important issue as a large percentage of the US population has the disease. People often need a drivers license to work, and it becomes their source of income. Besides, the ability to get around by car is necessary for many daily functions, such as taking…

  • Driving Among Diabetic Patients

    Driving Among Diabetic Patients Driving among diabetic patients is an important issue as a large percentage of the US population has the disease. People often need a drivers license to work, and it becomes their source of income. Besides, the ability to get around by car is necessary for many daily functions, such as taking…

  • Exemplification Essay about Bad Driving Habits

    Exemplification Essay about Bad Driving Habits Impatience teaches disregard for others, and this can be found in a simple act such as walking or carpooling to the local school. Recently, an article on the cover of the Los Angeles Times pictured people, coincidentally including my aunt and two baby cousins in tow, in a crosswalk…

  • Self-Driving Cars Impact on Employment

    Self-Driving Cars Impact on Employment Nowadays, the idea of self-driving cars gains more and more popularity. However, there is another side to this issue. One effect of using self-driving cars is drastic reduction of work places that is likely to become more pronounced as fewer people will be engaged in the field. Indeed, nowadays many…

  • Compare and Contrast Essay: Driving in the Winter and Driving in the Summer

    Compare and Contrast Essay: Driving in the Winter and Driving in the Summer Imagine being perfectly happy and energetic, then moments later breaking down and leaving class after receiving the news that a person that means so much was in a car accident and you have no way of contacting them or even knowing whether…