Category: Down Syndrome

  • Down Syndrome: The Enhancement Of Medicines And Treatment

    Down Syndrome: The Enhancement Of Medicines And Treatment To this day scientists are applying scientific knowledge, understanding, and inquiry to enable the development of solutions, discoveries, design action for sustainability, evaluate economic, social, and environmental impacts, offer valid explanations, and make reliable predictions. Resulting in both beneficial and unexpected consequences; all of which require monitoring,…

  • Chronic Cutaneous Disorders In Down Syndrome Patients

    Chronic Cutaneous Disorders In Down Syndrome Patients Abstract Background: Down syndrome is an extensively studied chromosomal disorder characterized by mental retardation and distinct physical manifestations, and it is the second most common cause of mental retardation in Iraqi children after idiopathic mental retardation. However, the chronic cutaneous conditions associated with the syndrome have received relatively…

  • Down Syndrome In Children: What We Know And What We Need To Know

    Down Syndrome In Children: What We Know And What We Need To Know Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome 21. This extra genetic material is the cause of the developmental changes and physical features associated with DS (Mayo Clinic…

  • Psychological And Sociological Effects Of Down Syndrome For The Individual And The Family

    Psychological And Sociological Effects Of Down Syndrome For The Individual And The Family Abstract This paper explores seven published articles that report on the psychological and sociological impact of Down syndrome for the individual and their family. Parents discuss the many familial effects of having a child born with Down syndrome. Most parents report having…

  • Barriers And Challenges Of People With Down Syndrome In Ireland

    Barriers And Challenges Of People With Down Syndrome In Ireland INTRODUCTION The study aims at taking a holistic view of the issues, problems, effect, and solutions of Down syndrome in Ireland. In plain English language, Down syndrome is a congenital disorder arising from a chromosome defect, causing intellectual impairment and physical abnormalities; including short stature…

  • Can A Cat Have Down Syndrome?

    Can A Cat Have Down Syndrome? Is Down syndrome in cats possible? This is one of the common questions animal health professionals are constantly faced with. Though the answer to this question comes in the negative, it is quite true that members of the feline population do posses some down syndrome-like symptoms from quirky physical…

  • Down Syndrome: Inclusive And Successful Education

    Down Syndrome: Inclusive And Successful Education Down syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs at conception. It occurs due to the division of chromosome 21, which is why Down syndrome is referred to as trisomy 21. Which means it is an extra copy of a chromosome. Down syndrome is not an illness and cannot be…

  • Down Syndrome: The Enhancement Of Medicines And Treatment

    Down Syndrome: The Enhancement Of Medicines And Treatment To this day scientists are applying scientific knowledge, understanding, and inquiry to enable the development of solutions, discoveries, design action for sustainability, evaluate economic, social, and environmental impacts, offer valid explanations, and make reliable predictions. Resulting in both beneficial and unexpected consequences; all of which require monitoring,…