Category: Doctor

  • Choosing Doctor Profession As A Career Path

    Choosing Doctor Profession As A Career Path When people ask What do you want to go to school for? and you say to become a doctor, they automatically think, oh you are going to be going to school for a long time, do you think you can do it? Well, of course, I think I…

  • Muslims Doctor And Patient Relationships

    Muslims Doctor And Patient Relationships Being a Muslim is actually one of the best gifts and nikmah that a person got from his Creator. As a Muslim physician who are practicing Islamic basis in the daily life, we are basically practicing the same practice and share the same knowledge with the other doctor or physician…

  • Smart Doctor & Smart Patient In India

    Smart Doctor & Smart Patient In India Abstract Todays Indian peoples are smart. So they required less paper work and perfect solution of problem. So here consider medical industry. At traditional way Doctor and Patient communicate directly with prescription on paper but when patient going to Medical shop so pharmacists not aware about Doctor Handwriting…

  • The Factors And Effects Of Good Patient-Doctor Relationship

    The Factors And Effects Of Good Patient-Doctor Relationship The physician William Osler once said, the good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease. The patient-doctor relationship plays an important role in the treatment process. Each patient represents a story that includes their disease, their social situation and their…

  • A Summary And Critical Analysis Of The Article Culture, Language, And The Doctor-Patient Relationship

    A Summary And Critical Analysis Of The Article Culture, Language, And The Doctor-Patient Relationship Introduction In their article, Culture, Language, and the Doctor-Patient Relationship, published in the May 2002 issue of Family Medicine and Community Health Publication and Presentation, Warren J. Ferguson and Lucy M. Candib present several reasons on how to determine the differences…

  • Islamic Perspective Of A Doctor

    Islamic Perspective Of A Doctor A healthy and fit well-being is a gift from Allah form His creations. A healthy body and mind help us a lot to perform duties in our daily life especially ibadah. We as a Muslim know the important of taking care of our body because we do not own our…

  • Medicine: My Experience In Developing The Qualities Needed To Be A Successful Doctor

    Medicine: My Experience In Developing The Qualities Needed To Be A Successful Doctor Studying religious studies at GCSE level introduced the concepts of medical ethics. This and my passion for structure and function of the human body allowed my interest in medicine to flourish leading me to undertake valuable work experience and activities in order…

  • The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Doctors’ Performance

    The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Doctors’ Performance There has been an increasing interest in the impact of sleep deprivation (SD) on doctors performance. Sleep deprivation can result in cognitive impairment and may also impair performance in tasks that require vigilance, decision making, and memory planning, which are commonly required in shift work (e.g., doctors…

  • The Iliad Essay: Research of Medicines and Doctors during the Trojan War

    The Iliad Essay: Research of Medicines and Doctors during the Trojan War The project I chose was the science/ medicine project. I decided to do this project was because the thought of how medicines and doctors helped cure people has always amazed me, and during my research, I found out that a lot of the…

  • Doctor Essay

    Doctor Essay Introduction The healthcare system in the United States is a broad and complex topic with many facets to consider, one of the most significant being the doctor’s role. The physician’s responsibilities and impact extend far beyond the basic concept of diagnosing and treating illnesses. Doctors are educators, advocates, and sometimes even social workers.…