Category: Doctor

  • The Peculiarities Of Doctor-Patient Relationship

    The Peculiarities Of Doctor-Patient Relationship INTRODUCTION Medicine is of great significance for mankind. It deals with the most fundamental aspects of the human condition: birth, life, physical functioning, vulnerability, loss, and death. Estimates show that health and medical care contribute to life expectancy over several years. Moreover, they contribute to improving peoples functional ability and…

  • Muslims Doctor And Patient Relationships

    Muslims Doctor And Patient Relationships Being a Muslim is actually one of the best gifts and nikmah that a person got from his Creator. As a Muslim physician who are practicing Islamic basis in the daily life, we are basically practicing the same practice and share the same knowledge with the other doctor or physician…

  • Smart Doctor & Smart Patient In India

    Smart Doctor & Smart Patient In India Abstract Todays Indian peoples are smart. So they required less paper work and perfect solution of problem. So here consider medical industry. At traditional way Doctor and Patient communicate directly with prescription on paper but when patient going to Medical shop so pharmacists not aware about Doctor Handwriting…

  • The Factors And Effects Of Good Patient-Doctor Relationship

    The Factors And Effects Of Good Patient-Doctor Relationship The physician William Osler once said, the good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease. The patient-doctor relationship plays an important role in the treatment process. Each patient represents a story that includes their disease, their social situation and their…

  • A Summary And Critical Analysis Of The Article Culture, Language, And The Doctor-Patient Relationship

    A Summary And Critical Analysis Of The Article Culture, Language, And The Doctor-Patient Relationship Introduction In their article, Culture, Language, and the Doctor-Patient Relationship, published in the May 2002 issue of Family Medicine and Community Health Publication and Presentation, Warren J. Ferguson and Lucy M. Candib present several reasons on how to determine the differences…

  • The Iliad Essay: Research of Medicines and Doctors during the Trojan War

    The Iliad Essay: Research of Medicines and Doctors during the Trojan War The project I chose was the science/ medicine project. I decided to do this project was because the thought of how medicines and doctors helped cure people has always amazed me, and during my research, I found out that a lot of the…

  • The Reasons To Become A Doctor

    The Reasons To Become A Doctor Introduction To me, a medical practitioners occupation is one of the noblest things a person can do. When asked why do I want to become a doctor, I always answer with my interest in Biology, but I often struggle to elaborate further. However, I am confident that I can…

  • The Issue Of Doctor Shaming

    The Issue Of Doctor Shaming Doctor shaming is the act of humiliating someone in medical profession specifically the physicians. The shame evidently comes from initiating negative feedbacks towards the doctors. It can be done face to face interaction, and even through text based. Nowadays, hence, technology is very advanced, people prefer to use social medias…

  • Linguistic Study Of Doctor-Patient Interaction

    Linguistic Study Of Doctor-Patient Interaction To almost all of us, good health is a priceless asset; and the prominent role that communication plays has pushed effective medical interaction to a new level of importance. Subsequently, Fairclough (1992) stated The main arena for medical interaction can be most comprehensively viewed in terms of the doctor-patient relationship…

  • The Peculiarities Of Doctor-Patient Relationship

    The Peculiarities Of Doctor-Patient Relationship INTRODUCTION Medicine is of great significance for mankind. It deals with the most fundamental aspects of the human condition: birth, life, physical functioning, vulnerability, loss, and death. Estimates show that health and medical care contribute to life expectancy over several years. Moreover, they contribute to improving peoples functional ability and…