Category: DNA

  • The Ethical Consequences Of Newly Developed DNA Tests On Individuals Privacy And Security In Society



    The Ethical Consequences Of Newly Developed DNA Tests On Individuals Privacy And Security In Society Abstract This paper examines the negative ethical consequences that newly developed DNA tests have on individuals and their privacy within society. Although DNA testing has beneficial uses, there are a wide variety of negative effects in using, unregulated at home…

  • Extraction Of DNA From Strawberries



    Extraction Of DNA From Strawberries Introduction Deoxyribonucleic acid, often abbreviated to DNA, is found in the nucleus of the cells of almost all living organisms on earth. DNA contains the genetic instructions for making proteins and how an organism will develop, live and reproduce, and is often referred to the building block of life for…

  • The Significance Of DNA Database



    The Significance Of DNA Database DNA database plays an important role in the world, specifically the criminal and forensic world. DNA database, in this case forensic DNA database. The term DNA database refers to a collection of DNA samples and any other evidence stored as DNA profiles. DNA database could be extremely useful during criminal…

  • Identifying An Unknown Tissue Sample Via DNA Extraction



    Identifying An Unknown Tissue Sample Via DNA Extraction Introduction DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic acid, contains vital coding that makes up the entirety of an organism (Lesk, 2005). These long, double helix structures contain four nucleotides which sequentially create nucleic acids, then consequently combine in different ways to form specific proteins that perform various tasks for the…

  • The Extraction Of DNA From Buccal Cells To Obtain DNA Quantification And Purity



    The Extraction Of DNA From Buccal Cells To Obtain DNA Quantification And Purity The reuptake of dopamine within the brain is initiated by proteins referred to as Dopamine Transporters (DAT) found in-between neurons. DAT act on the pre-synaptic neurons nerve endings and allows them to absorb the dopamine neurotransmitter, thus terminating the transmission of a…

  • Have Direct Measures Of DNA Variation Now Become Educationally Useful?



    Have Direct Measures Of DNA Variation Now Become Educationally Useful? In the last few decades there has been an increasing interest on how genes affect childrens learning processes and development. Nowadays, researchers are trying to find out what exactly is contributing in education, what are the important outcomes any educational professional should know and how…

  • Purification Of Plasmid pBR322 DNA From E. Coli Cells



    Purification Of Plasmid pBR322 DNA From E. Coli Cells Abstract An important method used in biology is plasmid purification. What makes this method so important is because a purified plasmid sample is essential for many experiments, including important techniques like DNA sequencing. Purified E.coli plasmid pBR322 using gel electrophoresis and a calibration curve were used…

  • DNA: The Silver Bullet For Crime Scene Investigation?



    DNA: The Silver Bullet For Crime Scene Investigation? Many believe that DNA is the silver bullet in a crime scene investigation, to which I strongly disagree. Quoting Chris Alpen, DNA can never replace a thoughtful, creative detective with the right resources, and that technology is ultimately a system run by humans where mistakes can and…

  • DNA Extraction And Identification



    DNA Extraction And Identification DNA isolation is a process that deals with the purification of DNA from a given sample with the help of physical and chemical methods. According to -, DNA was first isolated by Friedrich Miescher in 1869. Of recent, it is a routine procedure used in both molecular biology and forensic analyses.…

  • The Reasons For Using DNA



    The Reasons For Using DNA Our bodies are a complex system of bones, muscles, vital organs, water, and blood that has been built upon since we were embryos. What created how our bodies were built was on Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA for short. It is a system of an ever-complex combination of 4 different nitrogen…