Category: Digital Marketing

  • Aspects of Digital Marketing

    Aspects of Digital Marketing Marketing is among the crucial constituents of a business as it possesses the power to impact clients opinions regarding a product or brand even without their notice. My passion for marketing began at an early age after encountering numerous ads on Television. However, my curiosity for digital marketing developed in my…

  • Tesla Companys Future Digital Marketing Campaign

    Tesla Companys Future Digital Marketing Campaign Introduction Tesla is an American car vehicle company that was founded in 2003. It specializes in producing electric cars, solar batteries, solar panels, and other products that require the usage of cutting-edge technologies. The companys ideology is that electric cars and supplies that work with the help of alternative…

  • Aspects of Digital Marketing

    Aspects of Digital Marketing Marketing is among the crucial constituents of a business as it possesses the power to impact clients opinions regarding a product or brand even without their notice. My passion for marketing began at an early age after encountering numerous ads on Television. However, my curiosity for digital marketing developed in my…

  • Tesla Companys Future Digital Marketing Campaign

    Tesla Companys Future Digital Marketing Campaign Introduction Tesla is an American car vehicle company that was founded in 2003. It specializes in producing electric cars, solar batteries, solar panels, and other products that require the usage of cutting-edge technologies. The companys ideology is that electric cars and supplies that work with the help of alternative…

  • McDonalds Digital Marketing Campaign Analysis

    McDonalds Digital Marketing Campaign Analysis Abstract Over the decades of its existence, McDonalds has been demonstrating quite impressive success. Due to its smart use of marketing, particularly, branding, pricing, and product diversification, the company has achieved notable success. However, in the realm of the digital market, the marketing approach had to be changed drastically. The…

  • Digital Marketing and Social Media

    Digital Marketing and Social Media Introduction Digital marketing has become a mainstay of the modern business environment. The capabilities offered by the rapidly developing information technology segment have contributed to the speed, effectiveness, and affordability of digital marketing strategies. As a result, it has become strongly associated with more efficient strategies, optimised resource allocation, increased…

  • Gucci: A Portfolio of Digital Marketing Instruments

    Gucci: A Portfolio of Digital Marketing Instruments Table of Contents Deployed Digital Marketing Instruments Examples of Instruments Decision Journey Pre-Purchase Affiliate Location Conclusion References Deployed Digital Marketing Instruments The RACE goals, which stand for reach, act, convert, and engage, are actively employed by the Gucci brand to attract more young clients. Indeed, to reach more…

  • Digital Marketing: Search Engines

    Digital Marketing: Search Engines Introduction The recent advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have revolutionized how people interact with one another. In particular, the invention of the Internet has made the world a global village because many companies are expanding their operations globally through e-commerce (Stone & Woodcock 2014). For example, giant search engines…

  • Differences Between Traditional and Digital Marketing

    Differences Between Traditional and Digital Marketing Introduction The primary objective of marketers is to inform and influence a target audience to buy a particular product or service. Therefore, they use the most suitable and effective ways to promote or advertise their products. Large companies carry out a marketing function to improve their position in the…

  • Right Digital Marketing Channels for Business

    Right Digital Marketing Channels for Business Any business needs to find ways to be easily available to customers and clients. This goal is accomplished by adopting a marketing strategy. Digital technology and the Internet have allowed taking marketing to a new level. There are numerous various channels accessible to businesses in virtual reality. Properly diversifying…