Category: Customer Service

  • Technology and Social Media Role in Customer Service

    Technology and Social Media Role in Customer Service Technology and social media play a considerable role in defining how brands are perceived by customers and the general public. Firms not only use social media and the internet to advertise their products but also to receive feedback from customers on the performance of their products. The…

  • Therapeutic Alliance Center Customer Services Management

    Therapeutic Alliance Center Customer Services Management Problem Statement Customer service prioritization is the pillar of growth in any organization (Wetzel, Hammerschmidt & Zablah, 2014). Statistics indicate that thirty percent of all businesses fail to succeed because they do not focus on customer service satisfaction (Beckers, Risselda & Verhoef, 2014). Consequently, there is a need for…

  • Selection of a Customer Service Representative

    Selection of a Customer Service Representative A customer service representative (CSR) is an employee who plays a significant role in customer success, thus, attracting more prospective clients. This person should possess solid intercommunication skills to resolve the customers problems and persuade him to stay with this company. The more customer service is developed, the better…

  • Customer Service Training for New Employees

    Customer Service Training for New Employees Table of Contents Abstract Introduction The role of needs assessment Customer service training implementation plan Preferred method of training Employee motivation Survey to collect feedback Conclusion References Abstract Customer service is a critical aspect of achieving success in any organization. It includes all interactions between an organizations employees and…

  • The Effect of Business Ethics on the Customer Service Sector

    The Effect of Business Ethics on the Customer Service Sector Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Ethical Leadership and Training Corporate Social Responsibility Body: Organizational Culture Customer Service Conclusion References Abstract While the implementation of profit-generating initiatives is essential, the observance of ethical principles is necessary for consumer trust and loyalty, which determine the degree of…

  • The Mount Rundle Hotels Customer Service Issues

    The Mount Rundle Hotels Customer Service Issues Table of Contents Symptoms Causes of this problem The behavior of the customer Corrective actions Symptoms The confrontation between the customer and the hotel management, in the case of the Mount Rundle Hotel Banff, is a sign of service failure. Several symptoms show the existence of a customer…

  • Wal-Mart Stores Customer Service Perspective

    Wal-Mart Stores Customer Service Perspective Table of Contents Introduction Companys objectives Measures, targets and actions Conclusion References Introduction Customer service perspective serves as an instrument to ensure that all companys employees are committed to the customers needs since they are the most important aspects in business continuity and sustainability. Wal-Mart Stores Inc is a large-scale…

  • Improving Decision Making and Customer Service

    Improving Decision Making and Customer Service Table of Contents Introduction Discussion of Problems and Opportunities Proposed Plan Conclusion References Introduction Decision making and customer service are interrelated issues based on organizations strategic plans and management systems. The case of the King County Library System vividly portrays that decision-making determines overall success of the organization and…

  • Customer Service Philosophy, Customer Service Statement

    Customer Service Philosophy, Customer Service Statement Table of Contents Mission statement Our purpose Our main values Trust Customer Care Employee development and Diversity Improvement The Research The List of Companies References Mission statement We are committed to grow and improve to make our clients happy. Our purpose We will do our best to ensure that…

  • Internal and External Customer Service

    Internal and External Customer Service Customer service can be defined as the advice or assistance an organization gives to individuals who sell or buy its products. This entails reliability, attitude, accountability, knowledge, skills, communication, and efficiency (Melander, 2018). These services help customers to have an enjoyable and comfortable experience with the company; therefore, build trust…