Category: Consciousness

  • Freudian and Marxist Consciousness Differences

    Freudian and Marxist Consciousness Differences Table of Contents Introduction Different approaches Studying dreams Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Freudian and Marxist philosophies are the defining attributes of the social and ideological life of Europe in the XXth century. However, in spite of the fact that both branches were developed during one period, they are based on…

  • The Boundary Between Android and Human Consciousness

    The Boundary Between Android and Human Consciousness Philip Dicks work is a unique illustration of how a gray morality can be properly spelled out to reveal the ambiguity of any characters and story. The central figure, Rick Deckard, is manifested in the plot as a man confronting evil; but at the edge of the narrative,…

  • Effects of Drugs on the State of Consciousness

    Effects of Drugs on the State of Consciousness Introduction Drugs abuse today is one of the most serious health and social concerns. In fact, drug abuse is spreading quickly, in young and old and needs to be controlled else the day is not too far when the drug will soon enter our life styles, our…

  • The Meaning of Consciousness

    The Meaning of Consciousness No universal definition of consciousness exists despite numerous attempts by philosophers, scholars, researchers, and even practitioners to formulate it. Defining this concept remains a daunting task because people hold conflicting perspectives on the term (Vithoulkas & Muresanu, 2014). Dehaene et al. (2017) agree by asserting that consciousness has multiple meanings as…

  • Sociology of False Consciousness

    Sociology of False Consciousness Table of Contents Introduction Reaction Analysis Conclusion Reference Introduction False consciousness refers to how ideological, material, and institutional processes are perceived to mislead the proletariat in societies. It conceals the rampant and inhumane exploitation by the bourgeoisie in a capitalistic setting. The term explain explains the case where the lower-class individuals…

  • Nagels Argument on Consciousness

    Nagels Argument on Consciousness In Nagels What Is It Like to Be a Bat? the author explores the nature of consciousness and offers several arguments to support his ideas. Nagel criticizes the reductionist approach to viewing consciousness and argues that this phenomenon is more complex by using the comparison with bats. This paper will overview…

  • Comparing Simmels Stranger and Du Bois Double Consciousness

    Comparing Simmels Stranger and Du Bois Double Consciousness Introduction Various concepts and theories were introduced in pre-modern and are still relvant in modern times. Concepts help to bring understanding on how society and its people function. Georg Simmel and W.E.B. Du Bois have significantly impacted social theories that have ignited scholarly debates for many years.…

  • Simmels Stranger vs. DuBois Double Consciousness

    Simmels Stranger vs. DuBois Double Consciousness Table of Contents Simmels Notion of the Stranger DuBoiss Notion of Double Consciousness Similarities and Differences in Theories Simmels Thesis on Group Distance Conclusion References George Simmel and William DuBois have played a significant role in developing the theories of social science. Their double concepts are among the most…

  • Health as Expanding Consciousness and Culture Care Diversity

    Health as Expanding Consciousness and Culture Care Diversity Margaret Newmans theory of health as expanding consciousness is directly applicable today because it outlines a nursing paradigm built on the concepts inherent in healthcare and medical science. Its central assumption is that disease manifests as the result of the underlying pattern of the person, and this…

  • Impactors Of The Unconsciousness Of The Human Brain

    Impactors Of The Unconsciousness Of The Human Brain Introduction: Acute traumatic, nontraumatic brain injuries, degenerative and metabolic brain disorders, and severe congenital malformations of the nervous system all lead to the state of unconsciousness. An individual who is medically induced or traumatically induced is in a deep state of prolonged unawareness and cannot be forcefully…