Category: Congress

  • Essay on Presidential Reconstruction Vs Congressional Reconstruction

    Essay on Presidential Reconstruction Vs Congressional Reconstruction Some differences and similarities came with the Wartime, Presidential, and Congressional Reconstruction. The wartime reconstruction took place from 1863-1865. The presidential reconstruction took place from 1865-1867. The congressional reconstruction took place in 1867. The wartime reconstruction started in 1863 during the war (Shi 534). The person who was…

  • Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage

    Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage As per Article 1 Section 1 of the US Constitution, Congress is the legislative body of the government; they are the only ones to make laws in the US. Further Congress has been divided into two sections Senators from each state and house of representatives which has delegates from…

  • Essay about Minimum Wage in America

    Essay about Minimum Wage in America The minimum wage in America has been an ongoing issue for many underpaid workers across the country for years. The debate of the minimum wage raise has been around since the raise in 2007 when it was raised from $5.85 to $7.25, which is where it currently stands. Recently,…