Category: Comedy

  • Samuel Beckett’s ‘Endgame’: Comedy or Tragedy

    Samuel Beckett’s ‘Endgame’: Comedy or Tragedy In Endgame, Samuel Beckett explores the dark absurdity of the human condition through the undynamic, loveless relationships between each of the four characters, primarily Clov and Hamm. Tension is maintained throughout the play through the constant suggestion that Clov will abandon Hamm, however the fact that this never happens…

  • Elements of Comedy in William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’

    Elements of Comedy in William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ The first tempo Hamlet utter, he smack concerning Claudius A contracted more than kindred and less than gracious (1.2.65). The passage also reveals that Laertes’ lifestyle isn’t as pure as he would Saturn others to trust and that Ophelia is largely informed of this. Comedy is, the ground…