Category: Civilization

  • Western Civilization: Brief Overview

    Western Civilization: Brief Overview There were many changes that took place in the western civilization in 1300 AD and they are the social, institutional, economic and intellectual changes. In social there was the rise in nation state in that nationalism took , in institutional there was rise of church that is protestant church, in economic…

  • Civilization and Its Special Features

    Civilization and Its Special Features Civilized societies are characterized by particular factors, including a set political, socio-economic, religious, and cultural structure. In the early historical periods of Western cultures, socializing and communicating played a critical role in sharing innovative and controversial ideas. In this way, the ideological division contributed to certain social groups being seen…

  • Civilization: Interpersonal Communication

    Civilization: Interpersonal Communication People are constantly striving to create a better society and increase the level of interpersonal communication. Individuals usually create groups when they share the same cultural norms and beliefs. This factor is basic, and modern nations are following this step in creating new social groups. Moreover, when people share the same territories,…

  • Rhetoric of Article Want to Save Civilization? by Malady

    Rhetoric of Article Want to Save Civilization? by Malady To improve life and the normal functioning of civilization, people must adhere to certain social norms. Many publicists put forward their theories, and Malady (2013) is one of them. In his opinion, to save civilization, people need to respect each other and calmly stand in line.…

  • Greatest Challenge Facing Western Civilization

    Greatest Challenge Facing Western Civilization The history and historical development of civilizations pose great challenges to mankind and relations between people and society. It all began with the idea that human beings, by their very nature, have rights. The man said the classical liberals, are born into a state of natural freedom, and his rights…

  • John Wesleys Contribution to Western Civilization

    John Wesleys Contribution to Western Civilization Table of Contents Introduction The Key Aspects of John Wesleys Life The Key Aspects of John Wesley and Contribution to History The Key Details of John Wesley and his Contribution to History The Effect of John Wesleys Work on History The Ramification of John Wesley Today Conclusion Works Cited…

  • The History of Islam and Arabs and Their Contributions to Global Civilization

    The History of Islam and Arabs and Their Contributions to Global Civilization Introduction Since Islam stemmed and grew from the Arab traditions, other cultures which have embraced Islam also seem to be influenced by the Arabic customs. Therefore, Arabs and Muslims have cultural affinities, although every group has maintained its distinguishing features. This implies that…

  • The Development of a Unique American Civilization

    The Development of a Unique American Civilization American civilization is indeed unique and distinct with its advantageous geographical position and exclusive history created by brave people. It is difficult to disagree that in terms of its religious and political institutions and national spirit, the United States occupies an exclusive place among other countries. It is…

  • British Civilization: Queen Victoria

    British Civilization: Queen Victoria Table of Contents Who is Queen Victoria? Constitutional Monarchy The Empire The Personal Influence of Queen Victoria Conclusion Bibliography The evolvement of monarchy is important to understanding British civilization because the monarchical system has been adopted for several centuries and has been defining, variably, the sociological and political life in the…

  • The River Nile and the Egyptian Civilization

    The River Nile and the Egyptian Civilization The Nile River is one of the worlds longest rivers, stretching over 6,700 kilometers from its source in central Africa to its delta on the Mediterranean Sea. The river and its tributaries provide a vital water source for people and animals. They have been used for transportation and…