Category: Citizenship

  • What Type of Citizen Does a Democracy Need?

    What Type of Citizen Does a Democracy Need? Introduction to Democracy’s Evolution Democracy is a political idea of which there is great significance in many societies today for which we can thank fifth-century Athens. Democracy was created and molded throughout the years by Greeks who had great societal and political influence. In antiquity, the common…

  • The History Of Citizenship And Diaspora

    The History Of Citizenship And Diaspora Citizenship is a concept of legal status which holds numbers of rights and entitlements and gives a sense of identity and belonging to the homeland country. It acquires or contains a universal desire term. Citizenship can be categories in many terms such as bad citizens, good citizens, active citizens…

  • The Advantages and Disadvantages of Free and Illegal Immigration

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Free and Illegal Immigration Immigration referring to the worldwide movement of individuals into a destination nation of which they are not natives because of social, economic and political reasons. In this paper I am going to present four authors arguments that are Risse and Kukathas relatively in favor of immigration.…

  • Relation Between Violence And Citizenship In France

    Relation Between Violence And Citizenship In France Introduction Traditionally, France has always shown a controversial relationship with its minorities. Although the French revolution was based on the three principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, the constitution of France interprets the meaning of equality as an exclusion of minority rights (Gilbert, J. & Keane, D. Equality…

  • The Topic Of Citizenship In The Works Of Claudia Rankine And William Shakespeare

    The Topic Of Citizenship In The Works Of Claudia Rankine And William Shakespeare At present, our society is facing various social inequalities. A significant problem is discrimination against minorities in the community and workplace. These minorities are neglected and concealed of these inequalities also by the media. Citizenship is crucial to this issue because it…

  • Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship: Watchdog Role of Media

    Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship: Watchdog Role of Media This paper is a sincere attempt to review the outcome of various research studies carried out by media houses in India to track down the level of global citizenship and sustainable development. The purpose of this paper is to make people informed about the power of…

  • Benefits of Public Parks to City Dwellers

    Benefits of Public Parks to City Dwellers The research focus on understanding public parks in cities and their benefits to city dwellers. The study is based on literature related to Public Park and their benefits include research papers. Understand benefits of Public Parks through various research domains are analyzed by different researcher in different context.…

  • Essay on Citizenship Tests and Multicultural Approaches to Integration

    Essay on Citizenship Tests and Multicultural Approaches to Integration Varying methods of naturalization persist in contemporary international society. Many states employ citizenship tests in order to fashion their own requirements for citizenship. However, with the rise of multiculturalism, citizenship tests have been sometimes viewed as contentious methods of integration. Those who oppose citizenship tests assert…

  • Recognition of Gender, Sexuality and Family Choice in the Development of Citizenship

    Recognition of Gender, Sexuality and Family Choice in the Development of Citizenship The purpose of this essay is to discuss how the development of citizenship has progressed through the recognition of gender, sexuality and family choice. The term citizenship is often used to describe the status of an individual`s residency alongside upkeeping responsibilities. The usual…

  • Ban on North Korean Citizens Leaving the Country

    Ban on North Korean Citizens Leaving the Country North Korea is situated in East Asia, consisting the northern section of the Korean land. The ruler of this country is Kim Jong-un. It has a population of 25.49 million people. Tourism or emigration in North Korea is strictly controlled by its government. Foreign tourists encountering local…