Category: Christopher Columbus

  • Christopher Columbus: Voyage to Asias Discover Trade Routes

    Christopher Columbus: Voyage to Asias Discover Trade Routes Executive Summary Christopher Columbus wants to attempt to find new trade routes to Asia by sailing westward. This desire is motivated by dangerous waters in the East, and the high cost of shipping. The goals of the expedition are to find new trade routes to Asia, to…

  • Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella

    Christopher Columbus and Queen Isabella Isabella of Castile was known as a powerful ruler in Europe. She sat on the throne from 1474 till 1505. She was married to King Ferdinand II of Aragon, both jointly ruled over Spain for more than thirty years. She was a devout Catholic Christian and oversaw the fall of…

  • Christopher Columbus and 16th-Century Imperialism

    Christopher Columbus and 16th-Century Imperialism Introduction Imperialism refers to the process by which powerful nations control weaker nations by influencing or controlling their culture, politics, and economy (Meltzer, p.4). There are various factors that contributed to imperialism but the main cause of imperialism is economic expansion. In ancient times, powerful nations could send armies to…

  • Discovery of America: Columbus

    Discovery of America: Columbus In the 1480s, the Portuguese tried to circumnavigate Africa to penetrate India through the Indian Ocean. Columbus suggested that Asia can be reached by moving west across the Atlantic Ocean. His assumption was founded on the doctrine of the sphericity of the planet and incorrect scientists calculations. They considered the globe…

  • Columbuss Letter on the First Voyage: Analysis

    Columbuss Letter on the First Voyage: Analysis This essay is about Christopher Columbus letter in which he reports on his first voyage. Here, youll find Letter from the New Land summary and analysis. Table of Contents Introduction Letter of Christopher Columbus: Summary Analysis of Columbuss Letter on the First Voyage Conclusion References Introduction Christopher Columbus…

  • Essay on Christopher Columbus Pros and Cons

    Essay on Christopher Columbus Pros and Cons One of Zinns main points is that we will always be reminded of the violence and wrongdoings of the past (Zinn 2003, p. 9). Part of the reason is that we cover atrocities with other information that is all about the glory. It is easy to say that…

  • Essay on Christopher Columbus Major Accomplishments

    Essay on Christopher Columbus Major Accomplishments The Atlantic trade route was one of the newest trade routes that shaped the development of World History to 1500 by giving the Old World an entrance to the New World through the travel of the Atlantic Ocean. Although the New World was not new as it had existed…

  • Essay on Christopher Columbus and His Importance

    Essay on Christopher Columbus and His Importance In this essay I will be discussing how the European encounters viewed the Americas in 1492, also explaining and comparing the prejudice within Christopher Columbuss journal with the perceptions the local people held on the Europeans. On the 12th of October 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew arrived…

  • Christopher Columbus Legacy Essay

    Christopher Columbus Legacy Essay In the year of 1492 Christopher Columbus, an Italian merchant seaman in Portugal, set off on his first voyage in search of a new route to India. What he could not predict was that his voyage would transform Europes knowledge of the globe and would set the stage for an economic…

  • Christopher Columbus and the Four Voyages History Essay

    Christopher Columbus and the Four Voyages History Essay The following will investigate what kickstarted the Voyages of Discovery; and what impact these voyages had on society today, concerning the voyages of Christopher Columbus, what motivated him to begin his journeys, and how they changed the face of the earth. The Age of Exploration was a…