Category: Choices

  • The Meaning Of Emotions And Choice In The Giver

    The Meaning Of Emotions And Choice In The Giver Imagine an advanced future society where there is no war and no pain. Where there is no sorrow and hate. No one has a problem with anyone. But at the cost of vital human emotions such as love, happiness, and basic human choice. In The Giver…

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices

    Healthy Lifestyle Choices Many factors can affect a persons lifestyle choices. Below are eight factors which can play a role in a person choosing a healthy lifestyle: 1. Cooking ability/ Food choices/Allergies Good nutrition is a well-known determinant of a healthy lifestyle. There are however, many factors that can play a role in individuals obtaining…

  • Healthy Lifestyle Choices

    Healthy Lifestyle Choices Many factors can affect a persons lifestyle choices. Below are eight factors which can play a role in a person choosing a healthy lifestyle: 1. Cooking ability/ Food choices/Allergies Good nutrition is a well-known determinant of a healthy lifestyle. There are however, many factors that can play a role in individuals obtaining…

  • Mormon Culture And Religion In Toward Happier Choices

    Mormon Culture And Religion In Toward Happier Choices Toward Happier Choices by Michael Oborn is a quasi-memoir. He jots down a series of thoughts and after-thoughts of his life and former life as a man born in Mormon culture to a man who simply learns to loosen the ties of religion and become a free…

  • Concept Of Free Will: Definition And Explanation

    Concept Of Free Will: Definition And Explanation The concept of free will varies depending on whom you ask. If you were to turn to religion, it would say your free will lies solely in moral decision making; what you choose to have for breakfast is not free will and is already determined. If you were…

  • Why Did You Choose This School: Essay

    Why Did You Choose This School: Essay A nice calm close to the beach and a forest environment is a place you would only think exists in movies. But somehow I’m in luck because that sounds like the campus of UC Santa Cruz. And it’s a realistic school that I can actually attend because the…

  • The Meaning Of Emotions And Choice In The Giver

    The Meaning Of Emotions And Choice In The Giver Imagine an advanced future society where there is no war and no pain. Where there is no sorrow and hate. No one has a problem with anyone. But at the cost of vital human emotions such as love, happiness, and basic human choice. In The Giver…

  • Things Fall Apart: Is Suicide a Choice?

    Things Fall Apart: Is Suicide a Choice? His suicide is his prescribed fate and his punishment for his mistakes in life for which he is responsible. As Achebe wrote in his work Morning Yet on Creation Day the people of Igbo believed that : &when a mans misfortune is somehow beyond explanation [it] can only…

  • The Giver: Pain, Memory, And Choice

    The Giver: Pain, Memory, And Choice Have you ever wondered if there was a world that was the same? You couldnt see a color or hear a sound. How would you feel? I know if I couldnt see the color I wouldnt be happy because I couldnt see the joy in the world. The book…

  • Is Happiness a Choice: Essay

    Is Happiness a Choice: Essay Some people chase happiness, while others choose happiness. The sole purpose of life is to be happy, to enjoy life, and to get to a place where you are not hoping to get to another. If we look at our inner utmost desire we could see all our dreams are…