Category: Childhood Memories

  • Childhood Memories of the Birth of a Passion for Poetry

    Childhood Memories of the Birth of a Passion for Poetry As teenagers, we may think of poetry as synonyms of old and useless, and reading it may seem monotonous. When we read a poem, we must have problems with pronunciation and comprehension of it. Although when we hear it, we can experience a new way…

  • Childhood Memories of Daddy’s Park

    Childhood Memories of Daddy’s Park Entering the park, remnants of my childhood memories started to re-emerge. A slight breeze rustled the leaves making them fall to the concrete ground one by one. The air was warm, and the beams of sunlight glowed onto my skin, providing me with comfort. The sounds of parents playing with…

  • Childhood Memories of the Birth of a Passion for Poetry

    Childhood Memories of the Birth of a Passion for Poetry As teenagers, we may think of poetry as synonyms of old and useless, and reading it may seem monotonous. When we read a poem, we must have problems with pronunciation and comprehension of it. Although when we hear it, we can experience a new way…

  • Childhood Memories of Daddy’s Park

    Childhood Memories of Daddy’s Park Entering the park, remnants of my childhood memories started to re-emerge. A slight breeze rustled the leaves making them fall to the concrete ground one by one. The air was warm, and the beams of sunlight glowed onto my skin, providing me with comfort. The sounds of parents playing with…

  • Essay on Favourite Childhood Memories

    Essay on Favourite Childhood Memories When recalling my childhood memories, there are many stories. Some of them makes me happy, but some of them are not good ones. Well, I grew up in Rewasa village, one of the most beautiful and scenic places in Ra, and one of my favorite childhood memories was going on…

  • My Bitter-Sweet Memory

    My Bitter-Sweet Memory Eating brownies with my mom was the best bonding experience, until an unforeseen occurrence took place after my tenth birthday: I was left despising the very thing I loved the most. With me having no fondness towards cake, cookies were always a go to for my birthday parties. I felt as though…

  • My Journey to Mountains

    My Journey to Mountains As human beings we all have memories about the best place that we liked a lot, especially when we were young. Because as we grow up, those memories grow with us and became part of our lives. In my case I have seen pretty much places that were fascinating me, but…

  • My Worst Childhood Memory

    My Worst Childhood Memory For most people, their worst childhood memories are of playground scuffles or getting in trouble. Not for me though, my earliest memories are of me finding out about my dads affair and his smoking addiction. Growing up, I knew there was something broken about my family. My home was always one…

  • My Sweetest Childhood Memories

    My Sweetest Childhood Memories Childhood memories are strange because sometimes I can’t be sure if I remember anything. Someone said that spending your whole childhood wishing would grow up, and then spending the entire adult life hoping to become a child, that’s right! On the hustle and bustle of life, accidentally bumped into small corners…

  • For Which I Am Thankful to My Parents

    For Which I Am Thankful to My Parents There is no doubt that the lunches I brought to school were unique. The lunches of sabzi (vegetables with gravy), roti (round flatbread) and chaval (rice) that my mother made for me labelled me as an outsider in school and amongst my classmates. My peers would come…