Category: Challenges

  • IT Project Management Challenges

    IT Project Management Challenges Executive Summary Since informational technology is a relatively new field, it is important to examine it from multiple aspects. In particular, various companies that operate within different industries and markets either have or are willing to implement IT projects in their structural organizations. However, IT project management is a challenging field…

  • Challenges of Wireless Content Delivery and Its Implications for Sports Broadcasting

    Challenges of Wireless Content Delivery and Its Implications for Sports Broadcasting Over the last decades, the sales of broadcast rights to sporting activities have become a profitable business. Yet, the increased competition between the broadcasting companies has led to an inflated price for sports translation (Taylor & Thomass, 2017). As a consequence, content delivery networks…

  • Cloud Computing Security: Challenges and Solutions

    Cloud Computing Security: Challenges and Solutions Introduction The main goal of the research is to study the wide variety of challenges, issues and solutions Kubernetes presents in regard to cloud computing security. With the rise of microservice architecture and containerization technology, developers and administrators have begun to test and deploy modern software in a completely…

  • Cyber Security Challenges for Business

    Cyber Security Challenges for Business Table of Contents Introduction Background Expanded Attack Opportunities Vulnerable Infrastructure Complex Regulation Strategies Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In the modern digital world, data holds significant value. Cybercrime is one of the biggest threats to businesses and companies strive to protect digital assets. Cybersecurity is a critical part of business infrastructure,…

  • Science and Technology: Challenges and Opportunities

    Science and Technology: Challenges and Opportunities Introduction The recent advancement in science and technology has created opportunities and various challenges in different sectors of the economy. The COVID-19 vaccine, CRISPR gene editing injected into the blood, and the launch of the James Webb Telescope are some of the recent notable opportunities created by improvement in…

  • ABC Corporation: Analysis, Overcoming Identified Challenges, Satisfying Business Needs

    ABC Corporation: Analysis, Overcoming Identified Challenges, Satisfying Business Needs Introduction The task of any IT manager working in a company is to select and propose the most efficient information system solution to address organizational needs. The problem is that, despite an important role of information systems in business operations, it is rather difficult to choose…

  • Strategic Analysis of Emirates: Identifying Opportunities and Challenges

    Strategic Analysis of Emirates: Identifying Opportunities and Challenges Introduction: Operating Performance The airlines operating performance is one of the major indicators of its health and current position in the industry. The major showings, such as cost per ASK, revenue per PRK, break-even load factor, and employee productivity, represent the degree to which the firm succeeds…

  • Challenges Facing Women Leaders in Sports

    Challenges Facing Women Leaders in Sports For many years now, women have been pushed to the periphery regarding managerial positions in many institutions. This has been a result of restrictions that were imposed on women, thus hindering their upward mobility. On the same note, there have been different types of discrimination directed towards women. Whenever…

  • Young Individuals Challenges and Overcoming Barriers

    Young Individuals Challenges and Overcoming Barriers Table of Contents Introduction The barriers that young people have to overcome Discussion Conclusion Reference List Introduction Various researchers and journalists pay attention to the difficulties that are often encountered by young people. In part, these challenges can be explained by the differences in values, worldviews, and lifestyles. Very…

  • The Cultural Change Challenges

    The Cultural Change Challenges In the article The Old Grey Mare, She Misses What Used to be, Shelly Fralic argues that cultural change is the main source of the challenges experienced within populations. She laments that there is a lot of confusion in the current society attributable to the human factors that are self-imposed in…