Category: Candide

  • Critical Analysis of Candide by Voltaire

    Critical Analysis of Candide by Voltaire Candide was written by the French author Voltaire in 1759 in his attempt at exposing many aspects of religious and social injustices within Europe, as he saw it, through the naïve and simple protagonist Candide and his ever-optimistic mentor Pangloss. From religion to the aristocracy, Voltaire satirizes various aspects…

  • Two Mirrored Slavery Fates Described in Oroonoko and Voltaire´s Candide

    Two Mirrored Slavery Fates Described in Oroonoko and Voltaire´s Candide Slavery was an economic and cultural standard in this era when these two stories were written: Oroonoko by Aphra Ben and Candide by Voltaire. In the story of Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave, the captain of a transport vessel persuades Oroonoko to board the ship…