Category: Canada

  • Problem of Child Poverty in Canada: Essay

    Problem of Child Poverty in Canada: Essay According to Investopedia, poverty is defined as a state or condition in which a person or community lacks the financial resources and essentials for a minimum standard of living. Poverty means that the income level from employment is so low that basic human needs can’t be met (2019).…

  • Gender Equality in Canada Essay

    Gender Equality in Canada Essay Gender equality, as defined by, is the state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender. Women makeup about half of the population, which makes gender equality such a crucial topic to discuss ( Many countries have their own beliefs and traditions that may conflict with…

  • Canada’s Role in the Cold War: Essay

    Canada’s Role in the Cold War: Essay The Cold War was a conflict lasting forty-four years between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). This all happened post-World War 2 when the United States and the USSR two superpowers were in a nuclear arms race to see who could…

  • Essay on Indian Residential Schools in Canada and Their Architectural Purpose

    Essay on Indian Residential Schools in Canada and Their Architectural Purpose The architectural techniques used to implement the Indian residential school system in Canada is a fundamental but frequently overlooked aspect of the overall system, which isolated 150,000 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children from their communities and families over the duration of a century…

  • Ecotourism in Canada: Areas it Focuses on, Importance and Impact

    Ecotourism in Canada: Areas it Focuses on, Importance and Impact Ecotourism is a dynamic and far-reaching sector in the economy of the countries, especially in Canada. Ecotourism in Canada is categorized into two segments, natural ecotourism and ecotourism emphasis on the arts and culture of the local people. It has a positive impact on social…

  • Proud to Be Canadian: Narrative Essay

    Proud to Be Canadian: Narrative Essay Has one ever thought about how proud and honorable Canadians are to their own land? Well, Canadians show their politeness, and generosity to others by welcoming, and accepting their ethics; therefore, Canada is a nation where one can contribute their beliefs without being segregated; this is why one should…

  • Informative Essay about Canada Culture

    Informative Essay about Canada Culture The culture of Canada has a lot of elements such as artistic, literary, humor, musical, political, and social that represent Canada and Canadians. Throughout Canada’s history, Canada’s culture has been influenced by many cultures such as European culture British culture, French culture, and its own baronial culture. Many elements of…

  • Violence Against Women In Canada

    Violence Against Women In Canada In the article of theoretical debates on violence against women in Canada, a set of theoretical perspectives are presented to give a better understanding for diverse views on violence. I will be unpacking the important concepts in this article to analyze how they apply and work in our daily lives…

  • Sexism In Canada: Forms And Reasons

    Sexism In Canada: Forms And Reasons Sexism has been an evolving issue globally for decades. More specifically, womens rights and inequality has been the topic of issue for hundreds of years. Sexism is something that has given women inconfidence and the ability to believe they are lesser than the men in this world. Before in…

  • Canadian Education System and Its History

    Canadian Education System and Its History Whist researching my topic, I wanted some background noise to help me concentrate. So, I turned on my TV and started to play one of my favorite shows, Black Mirror. The episodes are all individually casted and have unique storylines. The topics on the show explore relevant topics, but…