Category: Burnout

  • Nursing Burnout: Meta-Analytic Study by Vargas et al.

    Nursing Burnout: Meta-Analytic Study by Vargas et al. Table of Contents Summary Critique Conclusion References Summary The analyzed article Which occupational risk factors are associated with burnout in nursing? A meta-analytic study. was written by Vargas, Cañadas, Aguayo, Fernández, and de la Fuente. It was published in the International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology…

  • Factors That Influence the Development of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Emergency Department Nurses the Article by Hunsaker, S., et al

    Factors That Influence the Development of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction in Emergency Department Nurses the Article by Hunsaker, S., et al Table of Contents Introduction Summary Results Conclusion References Introduction Taking into account the overall tendency of the nursing profession to become a demanding and intensive occupation, nurses face a significant problem of…

  • Nursing Burnout as a Practice Issue

    Nursing Burnout as a Practice Issue Discovery: topic and practice issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic Topic: Workplace burnout. Nursing practice issue: Nursing burnout due to high workload. The rationale for the topic selection. The scope of the issue/problem The workforce of the United States is currently experiencing significant…

  • Burnout Syndrome as a Nursing Practice Issue

    Burnout Syndrome as a Nursing Practice Issue Discovery: topic and practice issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The chosen nursing practice issue refers to burnout syndrome and its implications for care. The problem is important because burnout development is attributed to such factors as inadequate scheduling, poor environments at…

  • Nurse Burnout in China the Article by Lu, M., Ruan, H., Xing, W., & Hu, Y.

    Nurse Burnout in China the Article by Lu, M., Ruan, H., Xing, W., & Hu, Y. Table of Contents Introduction The Problem: Burnout in Nursing Staff Literature Review Design and Procedures Data Analysis and Presentation Conclusions and Implications Reference Introduction Nurse burnout is one of the most present problems to exist in hospitals across the…

  • Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses in the United States and Canada the Article by Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, and Su

    Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses in the United States and Canada the Article by Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, and Su Table of Contents Introduction Research Question Research Design Sample Data Collection Methods Limitations of the Study Findings Summary References Introduction Varying healthcare systems between countries may create different work conditions for…

  • Nurse Burnout: Evidence-Based Practice Change

    Nurse Burnout: Evidence-Based Practice Change The nursing practice problem under discussion is that nurses usually suffer from burnout that affects the quality of their work, and it is important to determine strategies that contribute to decreasing work stress and exhaustion. This problem is directly linked to the examined qualitative and quantitative articles, and it guides…

  • About Burnout Syndrome Among Healthcare Professionals

    About Burnout Syndrome Among Healthcare Professionals Table of Contents Introduction Review of the Literature Theoretical Framework Hypothesis Methodology Data Analysis Conclusion References Introduction Burnout syndrome is a problem commonly seen at various healthcare facilities among medical workers. The article by Lahana et al. addresses the manifestation of this phenomenon among nurses working in social welfare…

  • Nurse Burnout: Evidence-Based Practice Change

    Nurse Burnout: Evidence-Based Practice Change The nursing practice problem under discussion is that nurses usually suffer from burnout that affects the quality of their work, and it is important to determine strategies that contribute to decreasing work stress and exhaustion. This problem is directly linked to the examined qualitative and quantitative articles, and it guides…

  • Burnout Among Nurses and Its Negative Effects

    Burnout Among Nurses and Its Negative Effects Nurses are the central workforces of any hospital, providing quality care to patients and spending more time with them than doctors. The main concern of such intense nursing schedules, filled with patient interviewing, various procedures, and the emotional comforting of families, is burnout (DallOra et al., 2020). The…