Category: Burnout

  • Job Stress and Burnout in Hospital Employees by Chou et al.

    Job Stress and Burnout in Hospital Employees by Chou et al. Table of Contents Introduction Purpose and Variables Review of the Literature Methods Study Sample Strategies, Reliability, and Validity Data Analysis Limitations and Implications References Introduction This paper presents a critique of the article by Chou, Li, and Hu (2014) entitled: Job stress and burnout…

  • Burnout Syndrome in the Nursing Profession

    Burnout Syndrome in the Nursing Profession Table of Contents Introduction Research Problem/Purpose Review of the Literature Theoretical Framework Variables/Hypotheses/Questions/Assumptions Methodology Data Analysis Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations References Introduction Research articles often portray the state of development of different scientific areas. In nursing, such studies may consider various topics from the education of nursing professionals to…

  • Burnout Syndrome Experienced by Nursing Professionals

    Burnout Syndrome Experienced by Nursing Professionals Table of Contents Research Problem/Purpose Review of the Literature Theoretical Framework Variables/Hypotheses/Questions/Assumptions Methodology Data Analysis Summary/Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations References Research Problem/Purpose The article written by Cañadas-De la Fuente et al. (2015) is focused on the issue of burnout syndrome experienced by nursing professionals because it is seen as…

  • Reasons of Burnout in Nursing

    Reasons of Burnout in Nursing Abstract The research on nurses burnout in acute care unit settings is suggested for submission to the International Journal of Nursing Studies. The study is explained in short by stating the problem of research, its purpose, defining the research questions and hypothesis, describing the methodology and the implementation steps, and…

  • Nurses Burnout and Patients Safety

    Nurses Burnout and Patients Safety Abstract This paper focuses on reviewing the American Journal of Nursings guidelines and describes a rationale for researching the topic A Relationship Between Nurses Burnout and Fatigue and Levels of Patients Safety: A Quantitative Study with the help of quantitative methods. One of the critical reasons for reviewing it is…

  • Nursing Burnout Decrease Evidence-Based Methods

    Nursing Burnout Decrease Evidence-Based Methods Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Problem Statement Review of Relevant Literature Methods Data Analysis Discussion and Findings Conclusion References Abstract This evidence-based project aimed to demonstrate if light physical exercises are effective than multiple short breaks as a method for stress release and reduction of burnout. The PICO question used…

  • Stress Control Measures to Prevent Nursing Burnout

    Stress Control Measures to Prevent Nursing Burnout Nursing fatigue is a serious problem that threatens patient safety as the former cannot provide adequate health care services while they lack job satisfaction. The recent studies by Bragard, Dupuis, and Fleet (2015) and Estryn-Behar, Van der Heijden and the NEXT Study Group (2012) indicate the importance of…

  • Reducing Burnout in Nurse Practitioners

    Reducing Burnout in Nurse Practitioners Abstract The paper presents the study proposed for submission to the Journal for Nurse Practitioners; the proposed study is devoted to the ways to measure and reduce burnout in nurse practitioners. Different sections of the paper present the research problem, the questions, research methods, and the possible practical application of…

  • Nurse Burnout in High-Intensity Settings: Study

    Nurse Burnout in High-Intensity Settings: Study The title of the article Burnout and Resilience Among Nurses Practicing in High-Intensity Settings by Rushton, Batcheller, Schroeder, and Donohue (2015) reflects the area and the population of the study: nurses working in high-stress environments. In the beginning, author affiliations and contact information are provided, showing that the investigators…

  • Burnout in Professional Nurses: Research Critique

    Burnout in Professional Nurses: Research Critique Table of Contents Background of Study Methods of Study Results of Study Ethical Considerations Conclusion Reference The problem of burnout in professional nurses attracts the attention of numerous researchers in the field due to its detrimental long-term consequences. The given paper discusses the article by Dev, Fernando III, Lim,…