Category: Bullying

  • Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace

    Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace Introduction Lately, work-related stress has become one of the most common problems of the 21st century. As a result, this issue has a considerable effect not only on the physical and mental health of individuals but also productivity of various organizations. In fact, the inability to maintain…

  • The Consequences of High School Bullying

    The Consequences of High School Bullying Armitage, Richard. Bullying in Children: Impact on Child Health. BMJ Pediatrics Open, vol. 5.1 e000939, 2021. doi:10.1136/bmjpo-2020-000939. Armitage distinguishes three large groups of consequences of bullying, including in the field of education, health, and adulthood. Armitage notes the appearance of the child as one of the main causes of…

  • Fear Appeal in the Stop Bullying Public Campaign

    Fear Appeal in the Stop Bullying Public Campaign In the public service announcement (PSA) video Stop bullying, the subject matter is presented bluntly and shockingly. The forty-seven-second clip shows a high school girl receiving an aggressive text message from her peers, criticizing her appearance. Such statements are prevalent among young people who tend to place…

  • The Social Problem of Bullying and the School System

    The Social Problem of Bullying and the School System Table of Contents Introduction Part I: Bullying and the School System Part II: School System Evaluation Part III: Schools Influence on Bullying Conclusion References Introduction Contemporary social problems occupy a significant place in the lives of numerous people and societies. Considering the wide variety of social…

  • School Bullying and Problems in Adult Life

    School Bullying and Problems in Adult Life Table of Contents Introduction What Is Bullying? How Bullying Affects the Adult Life Conclusion Annotated Bibliography Introduction The problem of school bullying has been addressed on different levels, including political, economic, cultural, juridical, educational, and many others. The causes of bullying vary, but they lead to severe issues…

  • Online Bullying Takes Over the World

    Online Bullying Takes Over the World Table of Contents Concept Research Extent and Effect of Online Bullying Discussion and Solutions Conclusion References In the context of a rapidly and highly digitized global environment, online bullying, otherwise known as cyberbullying, has become a prevalent issue. Using electronic means and online platforms to engage in harassment often…

  • Bullying in Schools: Addressing and Preventing

    Bullying in Schools: Addressing and Preventing Table of Contents Introduction Recommendations for Teachers on Targeting and Preventing Bullying Reducing School Bullying with Parents Help School Bullying Prevention Program Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Bullying in schools is a complex and difficult topic, which, however, requires addressing as a sensitive issue affecting not only children but also…

  • Bullying in the Modern Society: Review

    Bullying in the Modern Society: Review Bullying is one of the major concerns of modern society. Following the statistics, about 40% of all individuals have experienced being bullied at least once during their studying or work (Bowes et al., 2014). Moreover, regardless of multiple attempts to improve the situation, there are no signs of significant…

  • Bullying Effects on Health and Life Quality

    Bullying Effects on Health and Life Quality Table of Contents Introduction Psychological Problems Health Effects Poor Academic Achievement Economic Outcomes Opposing View Conclusion References Introduction If there are people who consider bullying to be harmless childs play, they are sorely mistaken. Victims of bullying may suffer from the consequences of this maltreatment throughout their lives.…

  • Reducing Bullying in Schools by Involving Stakeholders

    Reducing Bullying in Schools by Involving Stakeholders The number of research examining the participation of instructors in anti-bullying efforts is increasing all the time. Because it assists with classroom management, subject matter instruction, and setting high standards for students, teachers involvement in bullying prevention is essential. Effective teacher management is required as part of an…