Category: Building

  • Tesla Gigafactory Building Project

    Tesla Gigafactory Building Project Introduction Tesla Inc. is an American manufacturer of electric cars based in the USA. Since the demand for the products keeps increasing, the company plans to build a new Gigafactory in Austin, Texas. The project will start on January 1, 2022, and its expected duration of two years denotes that it…

  • Green Building Design and Delivery

    Green Building Design and Delivery Anarchy: Understanding transformations in Human and Natural Systems is a book which has been edited by Lance H.Gunderson and C.H.Holling. The book went into press in 2002 and has a collection of articles on various topics related to sustainability by leading and exalted thinkers on the subject. The Island Press,…

  • A New Building Construction Project Analysis

    A New Building Construction Project Analysis The following activities (see Table 0) have been scheduled for constructing a new building for AXBC PLC. All task durations have been given in days. Activity Optimistic time Most Likely Time Pessimistic time Predecessors A 1 2 4 B 3 6 12 C 1 2 3 A, B D…

  • Benefits of Variation Orders in Contractual Claims on Building Projects in Lagos

    Benefits of Variation Orders in Contractual Claims on Building Projects in Lagos Summary The Lagos state could be seen to be one of the most densely populated states in the country of Nigeria. According to the National census of 2006, it is seen that out of the total population of 140,003,542 in Nigeria, there is…

  • Observation of a Child Building a Tower

    Observation of a Child Building a Tower Keyave is sitting on a chair, and in front are multi-colored panels on the left side of the table. One by one, he randomly unstacks the panels and puts them on the table. Keyave starts to build a tower by placing one panel flat on the table without…

  • Observation of a Child Building a Tower

    Observation of a Child Building a Tower Keyave is sitting on a chair, and in front are multi-colored panels on the left side of the table. One by one, he randomly unstacks the panels and puts them on the table. Keyave starts to build a tower by placing one panel flat on the table without…

  • House Building Industry in the United Kingdom

    House Building Industry in the United Kingdom There is no need to stress that after the WWII, the United Kingdom, as well as the rest of the Tripe Entente members, faced complete devastation, with most of the state being destroyed. As a result, the necessity to rebuild the British society emerged, and the creation of…

  • Observation of a Child Building a Tower

    Observation of a Child Building a Tower Keyave is sitting on a chair, and in front are multi-colored panels on the left side of the table. One by one, he randomly unstacks the panels and puts them on the table. Keyave starts to build a tower by placing one panel flat on the table without…

  • House Building Industry in the United Kingdom

    House Building Industry in the United Kingdom There is no need to stress that after the WWII, the United Kingdom, as well as the rest of the Tripe Entente members, faced complete devastation, with most of the state being destroyed. As a result, the necessity to rebuild the British society emerged, and the creation of…