Category: Buddha

  • Buddhism Perspective On Euthanasia

    Buddhism Perspective On Euthanasia Euthanasia or good death is the concept of ending a life to relieve pain and suffering intentionally as long as there are approvals from the patient and their relatives. This concept can be classified into different categories: Voluntary, Non-voluntary or Involuntary and the procedural classifications: Active and Passive euthanasia which only…

  • The Meaning And Purpose Of Life In Christianity And Buddhism

    The Meaning And Purpose Of Life In Christianity And Buddhism What is the meaning and purpose of life, the importance of this question is to understand why humans were put on the Earth and how Catholics and other Religions provide reasoning to this question. The term Meaning in this question refers to the importance or…

  • Buddha Vs. Confucius

    Buddha Vs. Confucius Buddha and Confuciuss ideas reshaped the mindsets of the world and added new scopes to universal concepts of ethics, justice and humanity. Write a well-developed argumentative essay of four to five paragraphs on either Buddha or Confucius and any other Western philosopher of your own choice. Kindly state whether you are pro…

  • Gender Roles In Mrs Dalloway And Buddha Of Suburbia

    Gender Roles In Mrs Dalloway And Buddha Of Suburbia In both novels, the authors present the way in which societys expectations of men and women can be detrimental to a person if these expectations are not defied. Both Kureishi and Woolf explore how women are oppressed by society, and how opposing this oppression is crucial…

  • Marlows Posture And Buddha In Heart Of Darkness

    Marlows Posture And Buddha In Heart Of Darkness The novella Heart of Darkness opens and closes with a Marlow seating in a Buddha like posture, and so regarded as modern day Buddha. The author Joseph Conrad gives an obscure picture of Buddhism in the pose of Marlow. The pose also represents him to a certain…

  • Buddhism Perspective On Euthanasia

    Buddhism Perspective On Euthanasia Euthanasia or good death is the concept of ending a life to relieve pain and suffering intentionally as long as there are approvals from the patient and their relatives. This concept can be classified into different categories: Voluntary, Non-voluntary or Involuntary and the procedural classifications: Active and Passive euthanasia which only…

  • Cultures And Gender Inequality In Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism And Islam

    Cultures And Gender Inequality In Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism And Islam Cultures and Gender Inequality Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of…

  • Violence And Buddhism

    Violence And Buddhism Throughout the duration of the Nanking Massacre, better known as the Rape of Nanking, Buddhist Japanese soldiers barbarically raped, tortured, and butchered 350,000 Chinese civilians. Nanking was brimming with rotting masses of mutilated corpses for months. One could ask, how could someone who follows Buddhism, the religion typically least associated with violence,…

  • The Good Life Essay

    The Good Life Essay What is a good life? The idea of a good life varies and is argued as everyone has their own beliefs on what is the best use of their life and how that will contribute to it being a good life. Not only this but different upbringings and religions influence the…