Category: Blood Pressure

  • Hypertension The Most Frequently Diagnosed Conditions

    Hypertension The Most Frequently Diagnosed Conditions Hypertension is the most hazardous disease seen in the modern world today. It is also referred to as a silent killer due to its silent nature affecting the lives of several people. As per the research it is being stated that hypertension is not a disorder of separate characteristics…

  • The Social Determinants Of Hypertension In Ghana

    The Social Determinants Of Hypertension In Ghana INTRODUCTION The stable West-African country Ghana is a nation on the rise, recently being upgraded from a low- to a lower middle income country (1). However, economy and welfare are not exclusively rising in Ghana: hypertension and consequently cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are on the rise as well (24).…

  • The Causes Of Hypertension

    The Causes Of Hypertension Hypertension can be described as, the level of blood pressure reached when treatment is advantageous to an individual. Ideal blood pressure is seen to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg1. Within the population, it is described as normally distributed2. People are not classified into subgroups of normotensive and hypertensive as many factors…

  • Hypertension: How Salt Can Impact Your Blood Pressure

    Hypertension: How Salt Can Impact Your Blood Pressure Hypertension is a very dangerous condition, and it is because of the heart problems that it can cause a person. Hypertension is a disease whose chief characteristic is high blood pressure. High blood pressure occurs when the blood being pumped from your heart, pushes too hard against…

  • The Impact Of Cocoa Powder On Biochemical Parameters Of Hypertension

    The Impact Of Cocoa Powder On Biochemical Parameters Of Hypertension Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death globally, as many people still their lives to deaths from CVDs than from any other cause. An estimated 17.9 million people died from CVDs in 2016, representing 31% of all global deaths. Out of these…

  • Hypertension Management In Newly Diagnosed Patients

    Hypertension Management In Newly Diagnosed Patients The management of hypertension in patients can improve their overall health and reduce the risk of other comorbidities that can arise from being untreated, especially those newly diagnosed. Orem’s theory poses the concept of self-care and the abilities that patients have to improve their self-care. An individuals ability to…

  • Risk Factors Of Hypertension And Its Management Strategies

    Risk Factors Of Hypertension And Its Management Strategies Abstract Hypertension is a serious health problemoriginates from a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors.Environmental factors are overweight/obesity, bad diet, high dietary sodium, stress, lack of physical activity, smokingand alcohol consumption. Higher degree of BP control can be achieved by providing a care source, maximum adherence,…

  • Obesity: Causes and Effects on High Blood Pressure

    Obesity: Causes and Effects on High Blood Pressure INTRODUCTION Obesity has been studied for years and is still being studied today (2). The leading cause of mortality worldwide is cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and diabetes, and this is associated with obesity. There are many contributing factors to obesity than one would think. Some of the health…

  • Consequences of High Blood Pressure

    Consequences of High Blood Pressure I consider high blood pressure to be the main health disease in Bahrain. One third of Bahrainis are having this disease whereas 15% of Bahrainis have diabetes. High blood pressure can develop different heart diseases, which are in high percentage in Bahrain too, and therefore causes death. Which makes the…