Category: Auditing

  • Computer and Network Security Audit of a Firm

    Computer and Network Security Audit of a Firm Agenda The identification of the vulnerabilities and risks within the scope of computer and network systems can be performed through a comprehensive audit in order to identify various recommendations that should be instituted for the network system (Pittman et al. 2022). The access control system in a…

  • My Telecom: Project Proposal Audit

    My Telecom: Project Proposal Audit Introduction Managing a project is one of the major challenges that one needs to face when performing in the contemporary business setting. Projects implemented in the telecommunications industry are, in turn, even more, challenging than others due to the additional need to focus on communication-related concerns and the assessment of…

  • The Ethical Standards of Auditing

    The Ethical Standards of Auditing The ethical standards of auditing are the independence, competence, conscientiousness, and objectivity of the auditor. In carrying out their professional duties, the auditor should be guided by the standards established by professional audit associations. It is also necessary to observe the following ethical principles: independence, honesty, objectivity, professional competence and…

  • Legacy Community Health Service: Communication Audit

    Legacy Community Health Service: Communication Audit Executive Summary This report dwells upon the use of external and internal communication channels at Legacy Community Health Service. It has been found that both types of communication are utilized quite effectively. Employees of our organization also believe that these channels are rather effective and help them address all…

  • Audit Committee: Background, Evaluation, Recommendation

    Audit Committee: Background, Evaluation, Recommendation Table of Contents Introduction Theory Background Evaluation Responsibilities and Roles of Audit Committee Role of Audit Committees of the Board in fraud detection Recommendation Conclusion List of References Introduction Corporate governance plays an important role in disciplining the management of the company like transparency in financial reporting and having robust…

  • Audit Report: General Information

    Audit Report: General Information The audit process of a company usually includes a review of financial statements and control systems. This process is carried out to identify the noted deviations from the established accounting procedure and significant violations in the preparation of documentation and reporting by the Alaska communications system. It is worth adopting a…

  • The Line Operation Safety Audit (LOSA) Benefits

    The Line Operation Safety Audit (LOSA) Benefits Line operation safety audit (LOSA) is a safety tool designed to gather cockpit observation without jeopardy whenever a normal flight operation occurs. It provides insights through knowing observable behavior by identifying latent and overt threats and aggregating crew performance and errors (Li et al., 2021). Analyzing threat management…

  • Audit Report for Getinge Decomat 8666 Washer-Disinfector

    Audit Report for Getinge Decomat 8666 Washer-Disinfector Introduction For automated cleaning, thermal or chemical disinfection, and drying of reusable general surgical instruments prior to sterilization in outpatient/same-day surgery departments, surgical centers, and ambulatory care centers, a variety of Washer-Disinfectors (WS) are in use. This audit report reviews a Yearly Validation And Re- Performance Qualification Tests…

  • What Should Expect Auditors to Do Within the Examination?

    What Should Expect Auditors to Do Within the Examination? Audits serve as the basis for a financial and economic activity analysis which allows identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Furthermore, the work of auditors allows making informed decisions and preventing administrative penalties. An audit can be compared to a medical examination or technical…

  • The Issue of Limiting Auditors Liability

    The Issue of Limiting Auditors Liability Executive Summary The liability of auditors has been a subject of debate in the recent past. The company law, international auditing Standards and the International Financial Reporting Standards stipulate the need for auditors work in the financial reports of companies. In addition, these bodies plus the statutory legislations of…