Category: Antigone

  • Creon As A Tragic Character In Antigone

    Creon As A Tragic Character In Antigone In Sophocles Antigone, the main character, Antigone, displayed strong determination and loyalty to her family and god. However, I sympathize more with Kreon because he was a man of his words and he refused to break social peace and state laws. Throughout the play, Kreons character exemplifies the…

  • Tragic Hero Creon – The King Of Thebes: Character Analysis

    Tragic Hero Creon – The King Of Thebes: Character Analysis The tragic hero of the drama Antigone is Creon, the king of Thebes. This is proven throughout many points of the drama. First of which is when he denies Polyneices a proper burial. The second is when he believes that everyone is conspiring against him.…

  • Fear and Justice: Downfall Of The Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antigone

    Fear and Justice: Downfall Of The Tragic Hero In Sophocles Antigone In the tragedies we read, the downfall of the tragic heroes was due to their fear of weakness and the consequential justice that lead to their deaths. Death, a common trait in all tragedies, shows that as humans, the protagonists folly leads to drastic…

  • A Controversy In Philosophical Beliefs In Play Antigone

    A Controversy In Philosophical Beliefs In Play Antigone ‘Antigone’, the play begins along with a time of catastrophe and dilemma in the city of Therbes and its ruling family. A clash between brothers ends with the death of the young king, Eteocles, by the hands of his very own brother, Polyneices, the person who stood…

  • Sophocles’ Play Antigone: The Role Of Females

    Sophocles’ Play Antigone: The Role Of Females Throughout the development of humanity, there has been a controversial perspective on the roles and characteristics that men and women should possess. The inequality that lays within the midst of this perspective has led to gender bias and persecution of women over the course of our history. The…

  • Antigone Tragic Hero: Analytical Essay

    Antigone Tragic Hero: Analytical Essay A tragic hero may be a character having heroic characteristics, like leadership, courage, or determination, including a tragic ending, generally death. These are not stories with ‘happily ever after’ endings that we tend to square measure acquainted with nowadays. Greek tragedies square measure several the foremost well-known stories with tragic…

  • Creon Tragic Hero Essay: Analysis Of Sophocles Antigone

    Creon Tragic Hero Essay: Analysis Of Sophocles Antigone Throughout the centuries, history has given society people whom one can call a hero. There are ongoing reasons why these heroes have been given a special title and looked upon: bravery, determination, agility, inspiration, or confidence. However, a tragic hero carries different characteristics and traits. Aristotle argued…

  • The Role of Women in Antigone

    The Role of Women in Antigone Antigone, originally written by Sophocles and reinterpreted by Seamus Heaney, presents Antigone, daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta, as a woman who is willing to speak out when the king, her uncle, bans the burial of her brother. Antigone meets all of Aristotles criteria for tragedy with the exception of…

  • Beliefs and Morals in Antigone

    Beliefs and Morals in Antigone Throughout history, there have been various cases in which the people of a nation have to take the matter into their own hands in order to bring justice to everyone. Civil disobedience is a right that an individual has to oppose an unjust law in a manner that is passive.…

  • Antigone: The Inevitability of Fate

    Antigone: The Inevitability of Fate Sophocles Antigone, written in 441 B.C.E., is over 2000 years old and is still a common element in an average English class reading list. It is a story about a woman who wants to cause no trouble, but will also stop at nothing to honor her brother in his death.…