Category: Amy Tan

  • Representation of American and Chinese Cultures in the Novels of Amy Tan: Analytical Essay

    Representation of American and Chinese Cultures in the Novels of Amy Tan: Analytical Essay The first quarter of the book, Feathers from a Thousand Li Away, primarily focuses on four Chinese mothers, and their past lives. In the first chapter, The Joy Luck Club, the narrator, Jing-Mei Woo, describes her late mother, Suyuan Woo, who…

  • Critical Analysis of Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club

    Critical Analysis of Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club The third quarter of the book, American Translation, explores the stories of the four daughters. In Rice Husband, Lena St. Clair discusses her deteriorating marriage with her husband Harold. From the beginning of their courtship, the two had always split things–money, chores, etc. Lena doesnt fully…

  • Beliefs of Amy Tan and Her New Discovery of the Language of Intimacy: Critical Analysis

    Beliefs of Amy Tan and Her New Discovery of the Language of Intimacy: Critical Analysis There are many bilingual and multicultural people in the world today. For many, the alternatives of that language they use, and the way they use it, correspond to what social or cultural community they belong to. Amy Tan may be…

  • Representation of Amy Tan’s Personal Experiences As a Chinese-American in Her Stories and Novels

    Representation of Amy Tan’s Personal Experiences As a Chinese-American in Her Stories and Novels Amy Tan has skilfully interwoven her Chinese heritage and personal experiences as a first-generation Chinese-American in a multitude of her literary works . The charm of oriental culture displayed successfully showcases its virtue of emotion and the dynamic relationship Tan exhibits…

  • Standard English Vs Singlish

    Standard English Vs Singlish Have you heard of the phrase same-same, but different? It is usually used to describe people, situations, or things that are similar in one aspect but different in another. The unique thing about this phrase is that it contains words that contradict themselves but perfectly explain our life experiences. For example,…

  • Comparative Analysis of A.Tan’s Mother Tongue and E.B.White’s Once More to the Lake

    Comparative Analysis of A.Tan’s Mother Tongue and E.B.White’s Once More to the Lake The first quote from both essays is related to time. As in both stories Mother Tongue and Once More to the Lake shows a glimpse of time passage and the impact of time on the characters of the story. It matters a…

  • Key Motives of Amy Tan’s Novels

    Key Motives of Amy Tan’s Novels In Tan’s novels, her Chinese and Western culture and the ultimate attempt at balancing the two is the foundation in which her stories lie upon: the trivial matters such as the manner in which one sits at a table, of the way one speaks and behaves, as well as…

  • Mother Tongue: Essay Summary

    Mother Tongue: Essay Summary Title of Work: Mother Tongue Author: Amy Tan Occasion: Explain the context of the piece. What has caused the speaker to say what s/he says? Minimum of 3 sentences. Include 3 quotes as evidence and explain what each quote tells us about the occasion. The Genesis of “Mother Tongue”: A Personal…

  • Mother Tongue: Response Essay

    Mother Tongue: Response Essay How do the languages that one speaks at home influence social identity? In Tans article Mother Tongue, she expresses her recognition and concern over the difference in social attitudes towards her mothers use of English and American societys standard English. By introducing her recent realization of her use of standard English…

  • The Joy Luck Club: Critical Analysis Essay

    The Joy Luck Club: Critical Analysis Essay Through the novel, The Joy Luck Club, the author Amy Tan conveys the importance of finding joy and luck in the darkest of times. As mentioned in Feathers From A Thousand Li Away, the four mothers, who experienced their own trials and went through much pain, came together…