Category: American Culture

  • Conjunction of Descriptive and Normative Ethics

    Conjunction of Descriptive and Normative Ethics In Greeko-Roman societies of the past, it was collectively agreed upon that slavery was a necessary and justifiable economic endeavor. Similarly in early America, it slavery was considered ethical and essential to the economy. A hundred years later, American culture changed their views on slaveries acceptability and ruled it…

  • The Aspects of Cultural Identity

    The Aspects of Cultural Identity How can one define a persons identity? Is it their personality traits, where they live, or the history of their family? Someones background can directly correlate with they are as a person. Each of these factors contribute to an understanding of the concept of identity, yet, in a globalized world,…

  • The Impact Of Stephen King On American Culture

    The Impact Of Stephen King On American Culture And the most terrifying question of all may be just how much horror the human mind can stand and still maintain a wakeful, staring, unrelenting sanity (Stephen King). The late twentieth century was a time of racism and bigotry as the civil rights movement was coming to…

  • The Impact Of John Green On American Culture

    The Impact Of John Green On American Culture True love will triumph in the endwhich may or may not be a lie, but if it is a lie, its the most beautiful lie we have (John Green). Born on August 24, 1977, Green was raised in the small town of Indianapolis, Indiana where he attended…

  • Reasons of Popularity of Thanksgiving among Americans

    Reasons of Popularity of Thanksgiving among Americans One of the reasons that Thanksgiving is highly anticipated among Americans all across the United States is that it is a holiday where Americans have the opportunity to stuff themselves with a wide variety of food items that are not commonly consumed. Once a year, Americans take the…

  • Should Columbus Day Be a National Holiday: Essay

    Should Columbus Day Be a National Holiday: Essay Throughout history, there have been numerous debates surrounding historical figures and the justifications for their actions. One figure, in particular, Christopher Columbus has been under scrutiny for decades because of the history he has had with indigenous peoples of the Americas. Some may argue that Columbus was…

  • What Is Culture: Essay

    What Is Culture: Essay Introduction Our reality today is overly multicultural and diverse. Every day we interact with people from various cultural backgrounds. People we interact with have distinct mindsets and carry unique values, norms, and beliefs in their backpacks. Effective communication among representatives of different cultures is way too complicated if people are not…

  • Similarities between Mexican and American Culture

    Similarities between Mexican and American Culture Mexican culture has its similarities and differences with American culture. Not only are there similarities and differences within the basic aspect of culture but also within the socialization aspect. My subtopic was immigration and how that affects Mexican-American people not only in their daily life but also in their…

  • Home of the Brave: Persuasive Essay

    Home of the Brave: Persuasive Essay The United States of America was Founded on July 3, 1776. The founding fathers had the idea of a country not run by one person, but a democracy where everyone has a say in who is elected to represent them. They wanted a country where people can practice their…

  • Critical Essay about American Life Style

    Critical Essay about American Life Style The movie Captain Fantastic directed by Matt Ross explores and critiques aspects of modern American lifestyle and culture. Ben Cashs perspectives, values, and lifestyle are portrayed through questions on anti-capitalist resistance, comparison of mainstream lifestyles, mental issues, and parenting. The title Captain Fantastic is amusing however deliberately deceptive. Ross…