Category: Alzheimer’s Disease

  • Alzheimers Disease and Its Global Prevalence

    Alzheimers Disease and Its Global Prevalence Table of Contents Abstract Scope of the Problem Research Studies Nursing Interventions Conclusion References Abstract Alzheimers disease is a debilitating progressive neurodegenerative condition that causes a decline in cognitive skills. While the condition is not yet fully understood, scientists believe that it is caused by age-related neurological changes and…

  • Mental Disorders in the US: Alzheimers Disease

    Mental Disorders in the US: Alzheimers Disease Introduction S: The patient is a 49-year-old female complaining of impermanent memory losses, unreasonable mood changes, and rare vision problems. She has been teaching Math for second-grade students for the last twenty years. She likes her job, and her cooperation with children makes her happy and satisfied. She…

  • Alzheimers Disease: Symptoms, Prevalence, Treatment

    Alzheimers Disease: Symptoms, Prevalence, Treatment Introduction Alzheimers disease is a degenerative disease of the brain. It is categorized by the WHO into the broader Dementia family of brain syndromes, along with vascular dementia, front temporal dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies (Duthey 6). Like other forms of dementia, Alzheimers Disease is characterized by an impairment…

  • Overview of Alzheimers Disease Patient Education

    Overview of Alzheimers Disease Patient Education Introduction In recent decades, medicine has advanced and provided patients with more opportunities for a healthy life. However, some diseases remain a mystery with inconclusive research and no specific, universal treatment. Alzheimers disease (AD), as a condition that mostly affects an older generation, is one of these few cases.…

  • Binge Drinking May Cause Alzheimers Disease

    Binge Drinking May Cause Alzheimers Disease The article suggests that binge drinking can be associated with the increased risk of developing Alzheimers disease which is one of the most known and common illnesses of the nervous system. This claim is based on the researches of the professionals from Feinstein Institutes of Medical Research who propose…

  • The Alzheimers Disease: Basic Facts

    The Alzheimers Disease: Basic Facts Table of Contents Introduction Alzheimers Disease  Definition and History Treatments available Caution signs of Alzheimers disease Diseases related to Alzheimers Necessary Safety Issues and Home Setting Stress on Caregivers Conclusion Reference List Introduction The paper investigates on the topic of Alzheimers disease which is identified as a disastrous ailment…

  • The Alzheimers Disease: Key Issues

    The Alzheimers Disease: Key Issues Introduction Alzheimers disease is a degenerative brain disorder that progresses slowly. It is characterized by impaired memory, which leads to disturbances in planning, reasoning, memory, perception and language. The disease was named after Alois Alzheimer, a Germany, who was the first doctor to describe the disease in 1906.According to scientist,…

  • Alzheimers Disease Diagnostics: Mr. M.s Case Evaluation

    Alzheimers Disease Diagnostics: Mr. M.s Case Evaluation Table of Contents Clinical Manifestations Medical Diagnosis Expected Abnormalities Physical, Psychological and Emotional Effects Therapies and Interventions Current and Potential Problems References Alzheimers disease is a dangerous condition of the brain most common among older people. Scientists note that the disease is the third leading cause of death…

  • Alzheimers Disease and Recent Study Findings

    Alzheimers Disease and Recent Study Findings Table of Contents Symptoms Diagnostics Causes Treatment and Prevention Early Diagnosis Conclusion References Alzheimers disease presents one of the largest health care issues in developed countries, with increasingly large amounts of money spent on patients care in the later stages of the disease. Alzheimers primarily affects the elderly, and…

  • Alzheimers Disease  Diagnostic Picture and Treatment

    Alzheimers Disease  Diagnostic Picture and Treatment Table of Contents Definition Age onset Warnings Stages Risk factors Diagnostic criteria Interventions Management of Alzheimers disease References Definition Alzheimers disease is commonly referred to as a neurological disorder for the old-aged. A malfunction of the brain is mostly evidenced through loss of memory among the middle-aged and…