Category: Adulthood

  • The Phenomenon of Emerging Adulthood

    The Phenomenon of Emerging Adulthood Table of Contents Introduction Rationale Lessons Learned Summary References Introduction Understanding the phenomenon of emerging adulthood and the factors contributing to its development is essential for providing young people with the needed support in their journey toward maturity while also ensuring that possible mental health issues are resolved accordingly. However,…

  • Poverty in Young and Middle Adulthood

    Poverty in Young and Middle Adulthood The issue of poverty is a major one that affects societies across all nations. The selected theory is functionalism, and it views the social unit as a well-organized system comprised of structural and functional elements (Zastrow et al., 2019). According to the given perspective, poverty is a dysfunctional aspect…

  • Stages of Development Adulthood

    Stages of Development Adulthood Adults undergo several developmental stages including early, middle, and later adulthood. As they develop through these phases, they experience different health concerns and are forced to adjust to several changes in their bodies and personality (Bourisly, 2016). Some of the changes include how people relate and whom they relate to as…

  • Development Stage: Early Adulthood

    Development Stage: Early Adulthood Introduction Early adulthood is one of the age-related stages of life, considering people in the age of twenty to forty. The phase is characterized by the individuals transiting from late adolescence who are determined to have a well-defined identity and lead a responsible life. They engage in various developmental tasks, including…

  • Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood

    Socioemotional Development in Late Adulthood Aging is a part of human life and entails not only physiological but also psychological, emotional, and social changes. First of all, negative or positive perception of this process depends on social connections and support, as well as a persons attitude. Socioemotional development in late adulthood can vary depending on…

  • How Is the Stigma of Aspersers in Young Adulthood Overcome?

    How Is the Stigma of Aspersers in Young Adulthood Overcome? Aspersers disorder is generally a mild form of the common autistic syndrome observed in children. The most common characteristics in affected individuals include social isolation and, to some extent, eccentric behaviors mainly observed during childhood. More importantly, stigma has a great impact on the development…

  • Progressive Neurocognitive Disorders and Adulthood

    Progressive Neurocognitive Disorders and Adulthood Introduction Neurocognitive disorders describe signs and symptoms of many diseases, which lead to progressive or gradual changes in the functionality of a person. It is a general term used to explain the cumulative diminishing of memory, mental agility, intellectual ability, and impact on the accustomed emotional ripostes. Adulthood occurs in…

  • Childhood vs Adulthood Essay

    Childhood vs Adulthood Essay Contrary to popular belief, we do not inherit our personalities. Instead, we develop certain traits and personality characteristics as a result of the experiences we have in life. Incidents, particularly traumatic ones, which occur during childhood can absolutely influence the rest of our lives. That is not to say that one…

  • How Is the Stigma of Aspersers in Young Adulthood Overcome?

    How Is the Stigma of Aspersers in Young Adulthood Overcome? Aspersers disorder is generally a mild form of the common autistic syndrome observed in children. The most common characteristics in affected individuals include social isolation and, to some extent, eccentric behaviors mainly observed during childhood. More importantly, stigma has a great impact on the development…

  • Characteristics of Adulthood with Analysis of Characters of the Movie ‘The Breakfast Club’

    Characteristics of Adulthood with Analysis of Characters of the Movie ‘The Breakfast Club’ When we arrive at early adulthood, our physical development is finished, in spite of the fact that our stature and weight may increment marginally. In early adulthood, our physical capacities are at their pinnacle, including muscle quality, response time, tangible capacities, and…