Category: Abortion

  • Abortions Physical and Psychological Effects

    Abortions Physical and Psychological Effects In regards to the article by Payne (1991), there are no images, tables, or figures used. It is merely a collection of letters to the editor, and therefore, the content is not scholarly at all. Although some information presented in the articles is worth reading, the credibility of the content…

  • Abortion as a Controversy

    Abortion as a Controversy Table of Contents Introduction Politics and Abortion Abortion: Moral and Social Considerations What Scientists Say on Abortion Conclusion Works cited Introduction Debate on abortion has been in the public domain for quite some time. On one side is a group opposed to legalizing abortion, arguing that legalization of abortion would make…

  • Should Abortion be Legal or Illegal?

    Should Abortion be Legal or Illegal? Over twenty-five years ago the Supreme Court ruled that an anti-abortion law violated a womans constitutional right to privacy. The right to privacy and the choice for abortion is solely dependent on the person(s) involved and should not be rescinded by a superior authority. The two following articles highlights…

  • Moral Argument in Support of Abortion

    Moral Argument in Support of Abortion Abortion has been a hotly debated topic since as far back I can remember with two groups always either in support or against it. Normally, you have to either be pro-life or anti-abortion. No gray area here. Coming from a deeply religious family, I tended to believe in the…

  • A Defense on Abortion: Ethical Issues

    A Defense on Abortion: Ethical Issues Abortion is considered the intended action to expel a fetus from the womb of a woman. The expulsion of a fetus leads to death, but scientists and societies argue that the intentional expulsion of a fetus is murder. Morally, abortion is illegal and not permitted by law in several…

  • Anti-Abortion Advocacy of Pro-Life Movement

    Anti-Abortion Advocacy of Pro-Life Movement Introduction The topic of abortions has been deemed controversial for many years. It is a discussion about legal, ethical, moral, and other complications. The researchers usually define two central claims that directly contradict each other. The first argument, which is discussed in this paper, supports the idea of abortions being…

  • Abortion: Reasons and Issues

    Abortion: Reasons and Issues Table of Contents Introduction Rape Cases Health Complications Fatal Deformations in Fetus Conclusion References Introduction The debate on abortion has taken a different shift in the recent times with many pro-choice members of the society claiming that it should be a right for every woman to determine whether to terminate a…

  • Abortions and Rights of a Fetus in the US

    Abortions and Rights of a Fetus in the US The issue of the price of human life has always been topical. For years, people have been trying to determine what its price is and who has the right to manage it. Numerous philosophers devoted their works to this very issue. However, having solved this question,…

  • Abortion in Texas as a Political Issue

    Abortion in Texas as a Political Issue Table of Contents Introduction Views and Positions about Abortion in Texas Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the developing fetus is ready to be born or able to survive. When it happens naturally, it is known as a miscarriage, and when done…

  • Ethics in Practice: Abortion Choice

    Ethics in Practice: Abortion Choice Table of Contents The benefit of abortion The harmful effects of abortion Conclusion on research findings Reference List Abortion has been a subject of debate in the world with some groups arguing that it infringes human rights while others advocates that it should be legalized. Religious groups term it as…